The trees were soaring above me, looking down at me like a was a small ant. To my right was a small mountain made of rocks and huge boulders that may fall in my direction at any time. A few yards below the track was a small creek. Next to it, something made me feel frightened there was a small rowing boat, but it looked like it could fit two people. I wonder who came here by boat when there was a track. It must be old it thought it was abandoned and rusty too. I left it where it was and rushed ahead until I heard a noise coming from the top of the mountain.
“Baa”, the goat screamed as it rushed to me like a bull charging with all its strength. Luckily, I managed to jump to my right side and get out of the way of those nasty horns. The mountain goat was fast on rocks but not as fast and agile as me on track. This fortunately made me stay alive a bit longer than I expected. I never knew my reflex was that good. After running a few miles, I stopped and noticed it was no longer behind me. I caught my breath for a while before continuing on the track.
When I stopped, I realised a roar was coming from the other side of the creek. I did not want to know what it was so continued on the track. As I was walking, I noticed several monkeys on coconut trees. But I simply went forward and ignored it until I learnt my mistake. The monkey was jumping on the coconut trees to make the coconuts fall on me. I used my super keen eyesight to dodge the coconuts. I ran away from the cheeky monkeys.
Further down the tracks, I saw more trees formed like a hall and the track underneath. The leaves were crunching as I moved every step cautiously. Heading towards the end of the hall of trees which looked like a river or main creek. As I was getting closer to the water, I could feel the damp soil dragging me down like mud but much slower.
I peered out onto the water when I saw something dark and brown heading in my way. Could it be… Yes, it is but how is that possible? I shivered as the hideous and most frightening creatures came hunting for me. The cold breeze went behind my back. The mints in my mouth melted every second faster than the last…
I peered out onto the water when I saw something dark and brown heading in my way. Could it be… Yes, it is but how is that possible? I shivered as the hideous and most frightening creatures came hunting for me. The cold breeze went behind my back. The mints in my mouth melted every second faster than the last…
It was on my tail. I ran as fast as I could the way I came. But it still followed until I lost my breath. I gave up and turned around. It was the biggest monster I have ever seen in my life. It was an unbreathing moment in my life.
It had grey fur like a normal bear, but its face was golden and bright. It was the Kranses Bear the one in the legend. The one who faced the famous Greek hero Hercules. In one of his quests, he meets face to face with this certain bear. Hercules’s quest was to rip the fur of this bear and bring him slain. But I was no hero. I barely could fight a goat with horns. How on earth will I beat this nasty rare bear without dying myself?
“Well here goes nothing”, I exclaimed. I cannot outrun a bear who has my scent. I definitely could not fight him. I would have no flesh in less as I can say RUN! So, I used the oldest trick I knew to act dead in front of a bear.
Of course, that sounds stupid, but I didn’t have a better plan.
I hang down like a dead body on the grass. It was uncomfortable knowing a bear was behind me and I am not running but waiting to die slowly. I recalled the history of the bear to see if there was anything that I could do. But nothing comes into anybody’s head when they are frightened to death. So, I stood there as quiet as can be. I heard the bear landing on the shore after its bath in the freezing, cold water. I think it saw me because I could hear the footsteps getting louder and louder and louder. Until he was right next to me.
He liked me in delight. It lay on my chest, but I soon realised it was not heavy as it should be. Normally an adult Kranses Bear Is at least 5 times my weight. However, I am sure I can lift this bear. I slowly opened one eye a bit to see a round, small face looking at me. I opened my eyes for a second and it did not strike. I lifted myself from the damp soil. The creature was so cute. It is a bear cub from the Kranses Bear. It looked so similar. But the question was if the cub was here where is the mother? I must leave for the sake of my life before…” Roar”, came out of the trees.
The mother was here. She saw her cub. I thought of the best thing I could have done. Then an idea sparked in my head, but I wasn’t sure about that. I moved one step forward and took the cub in my hands and showed it to the mother bear. It roared with pleasure. I moved forward slowly and put the bear cub near the mother who was filled with happiness to at last find her baby.
A soft growl gave the bear to me which I thought was welcoming. It was the best day of my life with a bear in a lovely rainforest. It felt like home. An unhappy thought took over me. My home was destroyed by the war. Maybe I could stay with the bears, and they will be my home and friends.
7 September Week 4 - Tense Moments
Term 3, 2022: Exploring the great unknown

Write a complete exploration story, including:
Your character and their motive (Week 1)
Vivid descriptions of the environment (Week 2)
The challenges they face (Week 3)
A make-or-break situation as the climax, before the story is resolved (Week 4)
Published writings
(This is the full story. The other was just a mistake.)
Leo Liar’s expedition journal entry
I spent a whole month packing for my expedition. I packed, I unpacked, I repacked, I shoved more stuff in, I shoved even more stuff in, and I repacked. Until I was finally ready.
It was time to announce my journey to the people of the village. “No more will we spend winters shivering by our tiny heaters that barely work because I am going on a quest to find the famous golden scorpion and bring it back here! It is worth a lot of money which we can use to stay warm, eat anything other than stew and live a better life! I am going all the way to the Desert Of Doom so that we all can benefit. I will only take three quarters of the money I make but that still leaves you a lot left over. So, goodbye! I am leaving now, off to the dangers beyond the mountain!” I would have said, as I was cut off at ‘anything other than stew’.
The rude person yelled “What’s better than stew?” Anything! I thought. “No more will we huddle for shelter in rooms with barely working heaters. I am going to go on a quest to find-” I was cut off again. “How does that impact us?” Squawked someone with an irritating voice similar to my mother’s. Again, I was interrupted.
“It impacts you because we can use the money from the golden scorpion to get better heaters. We would be rich!” I shouted. Finally, people were nodding their heads approvingly. I breathed a sigh of relief. “What happens if you fail?” Snarled another annoying onlooker. I sighed again, this time out of exasperation.
“Then you will be no worse off than you are now. Moving on to discuss some of the terms. Now of course I will take three quarters of the money I make” I lowered my voice slightly but still a crowd of people surrounded me, booing. “I will have suffered a lot to get the golden scorpion.” I rationalised.
People started throwing snowballs at me. “I am leaving now, off to the dangers beyond the mountain!” I hurriedly stepped down the slope. Woosh! A snowball hit me in the chest, and I slipped on slushy snow. I started sliding down, picking up speed. Argh!!! I hit my arm on a rock and it started bleeding, leaving a trail of red stained snow behind me. I started rolling faster and faster. The world was a blur. Thunk! I hit a rock or a root which shot me in the air. My stomach lurched as I was flung upwards. I felt like I was suspended in the air. Then I fell down, down, down, down and landed in something cold and rough.
I had landed in a pile of snow. I sat up and brushed snow out of my eyes but as soon as I sat up something red and sticky hit my face. Was it blood? Whatever it was, it smelt delicious. My face burned and I plunged it under the ice. They were throwing tomato soup at me. Tomato soup was a delicacy where I was. Tomatoes didn’t grow well in the icy mountain and when there was enough to make tomato soup, we were lucky.
“IF YOU COME BACK NEXT TIME, IT’LL BE ROCKS!!!” Someone yelled. I looked up. The voice came from a long way up but even from there I stood I could tell who it was. It was unmistakable. The person who was yelling at me was my own mother.
My heart sank and my throat felt tight and contracted. I fought back tears. I am better alone. I told myself. I don’t have to share the money with anyone. Five million dollars all to myself. But still my throat remained tight.
Sophia 1.7.21
Dear diary,
Two weeks ago, we went on an excursion. It was… different. A change from tests? Yes. Fun? Not exactly. We went to the Desert of Doom Information Center.
Desert of Doom? I mean, who comes up with these names? The Small Stream, Large Lake, Cavernous Cavern! Where is the imagination? Second of all, why does our school send us to these places anyway? Why can we go to movies or water parks? You know, keep us engaged for once! It’s like they’re trying to bore us to death.
The bus ride was 3 hours long. THREE! We had to pick up two other schools on the way and it was cramped. We were all squished together like sardines. It was hot, smelly and noisy. Very noisy. The teachers tried to quiet us down. It didn’t work. Besides, what do the teachers expect us to do for 3 hours? Sit still and stare at the wall? We’re kids!
The Information Center was hot again, hotter than the bus. We were right next to a desert and there was no air con. The museum tour guide was dodgy. Smelled funny too. Sweaty, musty. Like a dead rat.
Max continued 3.7.21
Dear diary,
while the tour gide was talking i heard snortting coming from my bag cause piggy was going through all the snacks in my bag. leaving food with piggy is not a very good idear cause even though piggy is the best pig in the whole world she loves food. I brought her to the school excursion cause she gets lonely when im not there and mum said ive gotta take responsibility for piggy so i did.
piggy escaped after the tour and i found her in the bin. she was eating food scraps so my snacks wernt enough for her. when i got back the bus was gone and two girls were looking at it sadly as it drived away. it was just a bus and we could just catch another i said. their is no other the girl with the blond hair said. so what do we do now i said.
i didnt now what to do. i thought we were gonna be stuck in the dessert infomation center forever. maybe we could ring the school the girl with the blond hair said. lets go to the tour guide and ask him the girl with the black hair said. it was a good idear.
Isabel continued 1.7.21
Dear diary,
“Go to the tour guide and ask him for help.” I muttered to myself.
“Good idea. The tour guide would know how to get home. I’m Sophia, by the way.” Said the girl who called herself Sophia.
I felt my eyes open wide. I felt my heart rate quicken. I had a peculiar feeling inside me, warm and bubbly. No one really had ever made much of an effort to speak to me. I knew I had to respond. With what? By saying thanks? Was there enough time? Would being left behind classify as an emergency? Should I start pursuing the tour guide? But was saying thank you the right thing to do? Would she think I was rude if I didn’t?
“My name is Max and I think we should get help too.” Said the boy who called himself Max.
Two people said something. The only person left who hadn’t spoken was me. I decided to combine everything I thought I should say in one.
“HelomynameisIsabelthankyouforlikingmyideait’snicetomeetyoudoyouthinkweshouldlookforthetourguidenow?” I mumbled breathlessly, tripping over my words. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Leo Liars Expedition Journal Entry
It took me two days to walk from my mountain, across the river and to The Desert Of Doom. I went to the shops to stock up on food, water and clothing for hot weather. I spent the last of my money on these items. It didn’t matter. I was going to be rich because of the Golden Scorpion. I would have enough money to buy five thousand heaters. Or I could buy 4048 air conditioners. There was no need for worrying.
As I made my way to the desert, I passed the Information Center. One of the annoying teachers from a visiting school started walking towards me. “Are you the tour guide from the Information Center? It’s time to start the tour.” She said. “No.” I began to say. “Yes. Come this way.” I added, changing my mind. It would be good to see if there were any maps that showed where the treasure was. I could not believe my luck. All my life I had been unlucky. Nothing would ever go to plan. But now, everything was perfect.
As I began the tour, I searched for any information I hadn’t found before. I raced past the rooms that didn’t have anything I could use. In the third section I could not believe my eyes. Right in plain sight I saw a map which pinpointed exactly where the treasure lay. I was not expecting that. I thought I had checked all the maps in the world of The Desert Of Doom for any clues of treasure. I was wrong.
I had to get a closer look at the map. I walked straight past sections four, five and six and finished the tour half an hour before it was meant to be done. I snuck back to room three and took a photo of the map. It was in a glass container and looked so old and fragile it would fall to pieces if you even looked at it. As I neared the exit I was greeted by a horrible sight. Three children were standing outside.
Did they see what I was doing? I thought
Sophia 1.7.21
Dear diary,
“It’s only a bus, surely there’s another" said the boy after the bus had left. One tiny problem with that. Buses don’t usually come here. The next bus was scheduled for tomorrow. “There are no other buses until tomorrow” I replied. “Then what do we do?” Whined the boy. “We could call our school and see if they respond." I suggested. As soon as I said the thought out loud, I realised the problem with that. What phones were there to ring people on? Even if by a miracle we found one there would be no internet reception.
“I think we should get the tour guide to help.” advised the girl. “Great idea. The tour guide would surely know what to do.” I said. “I’m Sophia.” I added. Then there was a silence so quiet you could hear a pin drop. “I’m Max and I think that’s a good idea too.” Max said.The girl still hadn’t spoken. She looked worried. Finally, she almost shouted “My name’s Isabell.” I couldn’t hear the rest.
“Nice to meet you Isabelle and Max, Isabell I couldn’t hear the last part you said. Could you repeat it for me.” I said. I was trying to be extra polite because she seemed a bit nervous. “We should look for the Tour Guide.” She said really slowly with a wavering volume.
We turned around to head inside, but the Tour Guide was already in front of us. “I can help you get home. Follow me.” He said kindly. We looked at each other. We were excited and wanted to get home, but I could not trust the tour guide. I also had to get home. So, we followed him.
Max 3.7.21
Dear diary,
we decided to do what she said and look for the tour guide who when we went to look for him was right at the entrance which was really wierd cause it was like he was listening to our conversation and he said he knew the way home which was also wierd cause we didnt tell him that we were lost. i also thought it was wierd that he knew how to get home.
he led us to the start of the desert and said are you at the school across the river? we said yes and he kept walking. i was pretty sure we didnt go this way but i thought maybe it was a shortcut and the school took us on a long way. the dirt was red and there was a few tiny brown bushes here and there and ther was a really cool lizard on a rock. it was very quiet and i could only hear our footsteps and us breathing. the air smelt dusty and i could feel piggy moving around in my backpack and i could hear her start snorting and panting.
i looked at my green school backpack and undid it and piggy leapt out and started running about. piggy smelt like rotten eggs today it could have been what mum packed but it could have been the bag. i tried to grab piggy but all i could hold was her tail but i let go cause it was all sticky. i couldnt let piggy escape she was one of my best friends i was very worried.
i could see the tour guides face going red and he lunged at piggy. everyone was trying to get piggy and someone bumped into me and i tripped over and a morsel of food fell out of my bag.
piggy ran over and ate that then sat on my face and i could feel piggys hair. with my nose so close to piggy i found out piggy smelt so much worse up close and it was really really discusting then i acsidently opened my mouth. piggy tasted like a wild combination of eggs, sauce, gummy bears and dirt and i sat up and coughed out dirt.
WHAT IS THIS yelled the tour guide. its my pig is said. he seemed to want more infomation. this is piggy and i mighta brought her on the school escursion but shes a really well behaved pig. well behaved? he said and grumbled. he decided the pig was gonna stay and we moved on.
Isabell 1.7.21
Dear diary,
We slowly shuffled our feet, kicking up red dirt. We didn’t want to be here. We didn’t want to move, but we had to go home. We had to survive. The sun started to set slowly, filling the sky with an amber hue. The desert looked dry, desolate and unwelcoming. It looked lifeless. Except for one lizard, lounging in the sun. It disappeared, leaving a zigzagging trail behind it. I didn’t want to go on. The Tour Guide had other ideas.
“Quickly, I see a good place to set up camp.” He said. We did not go quickly. “It’s your only chance of survival if you stick with me! You’ll die of hypothermia if you don’t come. And if hypothermia doesn’t get you, thirst will! Or a snake! Take your pick!” he bellowed. We almost ran to the campsite, a bare, bush-less patch of dirt. I could hardly tell what was different about it to anywhere else. Anywhere. The lizard we saw before had followed us from the edge of the desert.
Sitting down, I shivered. It was almost completely dark. “If we’re going to get this done, you're going to have to help!” He said. Slowly, wearily I stood up. We had been walking non-stop all day. “Two of you, help me set up the tent and the other get the firewood.” He commanded. Max paused and looked thoughtful. “I’ll set up the tent.” He and Sophia said at the same time. “Sorry. That leaves you with the wood gathering. I don’t want to be alone out there.” Sophia apologised.
I didn’t mind. I needed a break from the noise and commotion. The lizard reappeared and watched me curiously. It stuck out its tongue and smelt the air then squeezed its massive body under a bush. I wouldn’t want to stick my hand in a random bush now, after seeing what could be hidden inside. I shook one of the bushes, and nothing came out. I used a shovel to pry out five bushes then came back, shivering.
I was cold. I never thought that it would actually get cold at night because it was so hot in the day. The Tour Guide lit the fire with a match, and it burst into flames, showering us in welcome heat. Just as soon as I felt warm, I felt cold again. The fire did not keep us warm enough. I felt so cold I thought I would never be warm again. I started shivering uncontrollably. I tried to stop shivering but it just made me shiver more.
The tour guide had multiple snow jackets on, a beanie, gloves and warm socks. He wasn’t cold at all. “Soldiers used to stuff paper up their shirts to warm them up. It provided an extra layer of insulation.” Drawled the Tour Guide uncaringly. “We have no paper!” Cried Sophia.
“Well, think of something else!” Said the Tour Guide. The temperature dropped. Piggy whined from inside the bag. The temperature kept dropping. Max shuffled closer to the fire. There was silence so quiet and so obvious that it felt loud. The fire nearly blew out.
I couldn’t stand the cold anymore and grabbed my bag. It hurt to even move. I opened my book and tore out all the pages including the cover and blurb, divided it roughly then handed it to Max and Sophia. “Stuff it down your shirt.” I said. Sophia looked shocked. Max mumbled his thanks. I handed four more sheets of paper to Max for Piggy.
It didn’t seem to work. We huddled together and hoped for the best. Sleep came at last.
Sophia 1.7.21
Dear diary,
Isabell saved us from the cold. I woke up, not believing I was alive. I thought my life would end last night. Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, the Tour Guide woke us up. “We need to start while it’s cool or we won’t make it home.” He warned. So up we got, yawning and we started to walk in the direction the Tour Guide pointed.
It felt like we were walking in circles. Night came, and it was easier for us to survive. Day came, and we had breakfast while it was dark. The days and nights seemed the same as each other and I wondered if we were really making progress. Why couldn’t we just go another way? Why did it have to be us who were left behind? Why didn’t we just wait for the school to pick us up? Suddenly Isabell’s idea of asking the tour guide didn’t seem so clever. We should've caught a bus. It was so annoying.
The Tour Guide rifled through his bag, emptying out all the contents. He repeated this process with three other bags, scattering maps and water bottles across the desert floor. One bottle landed roughly, opening the lid and spilling water on the dry and dusty floor. I quickly stopped it from spilling. “We’re out of food.” The Tour Guide said.
Max 1.7.21
Dear diary,
when the tour guide said we were out of food i thought uh oh. then i remembered a similar thing happened in my favourite video game, survive the wild and all we needed to do was look for things that we can eat. plants were always too risky to eat but animals were usually ok to eat unless they had bright colours.
what could i use i thought. i looked under a rock and saw the lizard under it and had an idea. the lizard was big enough to eat. we had to find a way to cook it. there were some tiny bushes we use to start the fire. there were some rocks. we needed to find a way to light the fire. what do i do when i play survive the wild? i usually use straw and rub it on a rock really fast to light the fire i thought. i could use the bushes as straw.
i told them my idea and they looked impressed. sophia and isabell agreed to help but the tour guide just watched which was really mean cause we needed a lot of help. we surrounded the lizard and i threw a rock at it. i mised. we all tried to throw rocks at it but we kept missing. doing survive the wild stuff in reel life made me reelise its harder than it looks to survive. i could hear the tour guide laughing.
i threw my rock backwards in the air and it actualy hit the lizard. it was knocked unconsious and we put it on a rock and tried to light the fire. the tour guide lit it for us. he was reely good at lighting fires.
the lizard tasted disgusting but it was food and we were really hungry to we ate it anyway. i got used to it eventualy. the lizard was enough food too last us for a week and we used that as food. sometimes we allso caught other little creatures if we were hungry.
Dear diary,
One thing you should know, lizards are disgusting. It tastes oozy and gross. It smells horrible and makes you not want to eat. The smell alone makes my head spin. After the lizard was eaten, we became experts at catching and cooking food. This was not an experience I wanted to repeat.
Another problem arose. Possibly a bigger one. We ran out of water. I knew cacti held a lot of water but the water inside the cactus was poisonous. I kept seeing pools of water and trees, but they were just mirages.
My mouth was as dry as the desert. The sun was hot and cruel. I was sunburned and sore. All I wanted was water. Not even to go home to my comfortable bed but water. We were driven by that basic necessity. We did not notice or care about the fact that the landscape before us was changing.
There were rock overhangs to shelter in. So we sheltered underneath them without a second thought. We saw bigger bushes. We made better fires. There were more animals. We ate more food. Still no water.
We heard the sounds of birds. Birds. How were birds here? Birds needed water. We kept heading in the wrong direction. “We should follow the birds. Birds means water.” I said, my voice raspy. We turned in the direction of the bird calls. As we progressed, the bird calls grew louder. I could see seven tall trees. Their leaves were dripping with dew. The birds were flying about happily. Where was the water?
I could not see any pools of water or anything we could drink. The Tour Guide fell to the ground. “No!” He lisped. Max and Isabel rushed to try and wake him up. I stood still. It wasn’t a mirage. It must have rained here often. I stepped back and brushed my arm against a sapling green leaf. My arm was wet and cold.
Wet! I realised what I was missing. The heat was making me not think properly but, in the shade, I understood. If the leaves are wet, that means the wetness is water. Relieved, I tipped the water from the leaf into my mouth, swished it around a bit and then swallowed. I did the same with two other leaves and I felt so much better.
“Guys the leaves have water on them!” I yelled. I finally got my voice back to normal. They didn’t need to be told twice. Isabell and Max stopped shouting at the Tour Guide and started drinking the water. When we had enough, we poured the water into the Tour Guide’s mouth to revive him. It was Max's idea. The Tour Guide woke up, spitting out the water.
“Water? Is that water?” He asked. I nodded. He laughed gleefully and started talking really fast about how important water is and how lucky we are that he found water \. I rolled my eyes. He found the water? I found the water. Max found food. Isabel kept us warm. You lit fires and had a map. We did all the work.
The Tour Guide pulled out a camera and looked at a photo of a map on the camera. Why didn’t he just look at his map in his bag? What was special about this map? I tried to get a closer look at the map, but he moved so I couldn’t see. “I’m doing anything important.” He said.
Isabell 1.7.21
Dear diary,
The tour guide was looking at something on his camera. I could not see what it was, but Sophia must have caught a glimpse of it because she tried to get a closer look. When the Tour Guide said “I’m doing nothing important” I immediately grew suspicious.
“Come on now! The way back is just around the corner.” He said cheerily. Just around the corner? I didn’t think it really was. Maybe it was just an expression but there could have been something important around the corner. I followed again. I shouldn’t have because following him only led to trouble like running out of food and water but home sounded really good to me.
We filled up all our bottles and headed around the corner. Around the corner it was still desert as far as you could see. As far as you could see was really just a few metres from where I stood. Cliffs blocked off sight of the rest of the desert. There was a path in between the two cliffs that wound off to the side so you couldn’t see where it led. The cliffs were reddish brown and looked unclimbable. The Tour Guide led us on the canyon cutting through the cliffs.
The cliffs were taller than the trees in the oasis where we found water. The sky was a vivid blue from all the way below. The cliffs were so smooth it was as though water had once smoothened it out. The floor was red and rocky. The path slowly wound in random directions. I could hear our footsteps echoing in the canyon.
Max 7.1.21
Dear diary,
as we followed the path it opend up to a realy wide area and the cliffs became really small and you could see the sky reealy well and the walls stopped being as smooth. there was a bunch of grey jumbled up stone lying on the floor but some of them were still standing. it looked like someones house and there were more things that looked like houses and some things that looked nothing like houses. there was a crumbly fountain too. there was also a thing that loooked like a temple thing and it had pictures and writing on it. there was dust everywhere. the dust was red and grey and white. its here its here its here i found the lost city! said the tour gide.
he ran inside and sinse it didnt fall apart we went in it to. it was so dust at first i couldnt see a thing and then a saw that there were just a bunch of statues in there and it was not really intresting and i wanted to leave but the tour guide went into a room i didnt see and i thought that there might be like a map or something cool .there wasnt there was just a bunch of gold animals and that was realy dissapointing but then the tour gide grabbd the golden scorpian statue but started turning into gold.
first his feet turned gold and then it started turning him completly in to gold and he did not want to but he put back the scorpian but it was to late and he turned into a gold statue. all the dust cleared and i could see gold statues of all the theifs who had touched statues and some were holding statues. i thinked that the statues needed to be in the right places so that the water would go back in the desert and we can get home.
we should put the gold animals back in there spots and the water should come back and it will carry us back home and the curse will be broken i said. but youll turn into a statue if you touch a statue said isabel. we need to get home not be statues said sophia. but we dont know the way back and we will die anyway so im gonna try and fix it so we can go home i said. dont. there is no curse said sophia. there is i said.
i walked up towards the gold beetle someone was holding. i lifted it out of the persons hands and put it back. my feet started to turn to gold and then they stopped and went back to normal. isabell and sophia looked at each other and decided to help.
Sophia 1.7.21
Dear diary,
I don’t know what went through my mind when I agreed to help Max try and break a curse I didn't think existed. Everything I did in the desert seemed rational even when it wasn’t. It seemed rational to follow the untrustworthy tour guide just as it seemed rational to help Max with an impossible task.
I walked up to a statue and wrestled a gold goanna out of its greedy hands. I went to step forward to put the lizard statue in its place, but my feet were already a statue. I fell over and my knees turned into a statue. The table was just out of reach, and I was turning into a statue quickly.
Isabell 1.7.21
Dear diary, Sophia was turning into a statue fast. I ran over to help her. “Put the statue in its place for me.” I nodded and grabbed the statue out of her hands and placed it in its spot. Slowly she started turning back and she was free. “Thanks.” she said. “I’m always here to help.” I replied.
“Can you help me?” shouted Max from the start of the room. “This statue’s too far out. We need to work together. Form a line. I’ll pass it to you when you're ready and the last person must put it on the place with the picture of it. Ok? Ready?” We got in position and nodded. Max took a heavy ibis from the statue frozen mid-run. He passed it to Sophia who passed it to me. I buckled under the weight and put it on the pedestal.
It worked. It was the last one. The temple started filling up with water. We ran for the exit.
Max 1.7.21
Dear diary,
the water made it difficult to run but we made it to the exit and we ran up the canyan and the water was just behind us. the water came from nowhere and was coming realy really fast. we ran faster than the water. soon we were out of the path and past the trees and we ran until the water swept us up and carried us back to the infomation center. Because of the water, i found out piggy could swim. piggy swam with us the whole way back.
Sophia 1.7.21
Dear diary,
The school was waiting for us at the information center. They watched as the wave brought us back and then came back 5 meters away from us. That is how The Desert Of Doom became The Large Lake. They could have let us name it, but it just became The Large Lake.
Our parents were there as well as the police. We were gone for two weeks. It felt longer. I was glad to see my family and was glad to be back. “Sophia! What just happened? I missed you so much! We were so worried about you! Dad it’s Sophia!” Said Mum. Dad came running from where the police were and hugged me. “Are you alright? I was just looking for you.” He said.
“Did-did you just come on a wave.” My brother stuttered. I nodded. His eyes were wide open and he opened and shut his mouth like a fish. “Awesome.” He said at last. “Mum when I’m her age can I go here?” He asked. “No. We’re never going here again. Sophia, you’re changing schools.” She said forcefully.
Isabell 1.7.21
Dear diary,
All my family was there when we came home. As soon as I was on the ground, they gave me a big hug. I nearly suffocated. Everyone started talking at once. “Are sure you are fine? Asked my parents. “Yes.” I replied. “She’s tough. I’m proud of you.” Said Grandpa. Once again, I was surrounded by a flurry of questions. I did my best to answer them.
Then the police came and asked their questions. They asked everyone who was part of us disappearing.
Max 1.7.21
Dear diary,
granma was there and she said that she was very worried and happy that i was safe. the police asked me where was the tour guide and i said he turned into a statue. they didn’t really believe us when they asked sophia and isabel to. no one believes us but its troo. Every bit is true.
The End
Author's Note: I'm sorry this is so unfinished. I will try and post a full story later on. Thank you!
Xander Orion contemplated the beauty before him with a detached avarice. The planet seemed nice enough, covered as it was with lush jungle and soaring peaks. Exotic clouds in various shades of orange wreathed the unfamiliar planet in a halo of gold light, which was visually appealing if hard to photograph. Orion sighed. This was an excellent business prospect - prime location, beautiful vista. There was just one problem.
The natives.
When he had bought up this quadrant of the galaxy, he had been expecting mainly uninhabitable planets which could be turned into industrial plants or stars that could be used as energy cores. Perhaps the occasional diamond in the rough to be used as a tourist trap. And this one would satisfy that last very well if it weren’t for its humanoid inhabitants. Orion could see the reasoning behind not exterminating humanoid species but damn it, he was not going to lose this opportunity because a bunch of primitive savages beat him to it.
“Danger factor: 6,” beeped a robotic voice from the dashboard of his small, private space cruiser. “With all due respect, sir, landing on an unfamiliar planet inhabited by a potentially hostile species is a very bad idea.”
“Cancel all my appointments today, Ethel,” Orion replied, ignoring the AI’s advice. He grabbed his transmitter, a canteen of Space-Ade (purified liquid that was consumable to over 60% of the galaxy’s humanoids, and perpetually 'on sale' for only 3 credits a bottle! Get yours now! *Catchy theme music*), and his blaster pistol. He didn’t know how to actually use the damn thing, but he felt better having it.
“Watch the ship while I’m gone, Ethel,” he added as the ship pulled closer to the forested surface of his planet.
“Sir, I am an artificial intelligence programmed into this ship, and as such I-” whatever the ship had been about to say was interrupted by a loud rumbling noise as all his screens went dark. His ship’s connection to the source of power in the civilised universe was being disrupted by this planet’s atmosphere. In short, he was facing a bumpy landing.
Well, that was inconvenient.
A stunning panorama of alien flora was presented to Orion as he plummeted to the ground. It sure was lovely - perhaps he could use this hurtling sketch of the planet as a feature, not a flaw? The calls of various avian creatures filled the air as their startled forms fled the impending collision. That was a selling point, too.
CRASH! Sending up debris for quite some distance, his pod smashed into the forest floor. When the dust cleared, he remained hesitantly inside for several minutes before slowly exiting into a new world.
Juxtaposed against the commotion of the crash, the silence and stillness was oppressive. Orion glanced around at the lush, exotic foliage around him. High above in the canopy, a curtain of green and blue obscured the sky from view. The underbrush was a tangle of creeping vines bursting with tubers and flowers and fruit and things Orion couldn’t even identify. As he trudged out of the ruins of his ship, the sharp, bright metal stood out starkly against the springy ground. Tickling his nose, a breeze brought unknown scents, reminiscent of a tropical rainforest but somehow strange. Slowly, cautiously, the avian creatures began to settle back in the trees, bright feathers rustling in the zephyr.
Orion sighed. Well, as nice as this place was, he had a meeting at 0800 Galactic Standard that he would rather not miss. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the transmitter he kept for emergencies - it had batteries (the primitive thing), so the power disruption wouldn’t affect…
Something was scrambling his signal. Something was scrambling his signal! But that was impossible… the only inhabitants of this planet were primitives… it just didn’t make sense…
For once, Orion felt uncertainty stirring, but he pushed it down. Slowly, his eyes swept the wreckage as he attempted to take an inventory of his supplies. What did he have?
Nothing, as it turned out.
Agitated, he began to turn slow circles around the clearing. This kind of thing wasn’t supposed to happen to him! He was famous, rich, powerful! He wasn’t supposed to end up marooned on some stupid backwater with no resources… except for some berries.
They were small, bright green, and shiny. Orion snatched one eagerly, scoffing it in one bite and reaching for another. They tasted sweet… sickly sweet… almost like… sleeping syrup.
Orion crumpled to the ground.
As he drifted in and out of consciousness, Orion heard a jumble of garbled voices. Faces swam above him, wavering in his vision. What was going on? Who were these people? He struggled to awaken through the thick haze the berries had left upon his mind. Finally, he managed it.
“Foreigner,” said a thickly accented voice. “Tell me; why were you flying so close to our planet?”
When he tried to speak, his voice came out as a croak.
There was a sigh from somewhere just beyond his peripheral vision. “I suppose you should recover your strength first. But we of the jungles are not fond of trespassers.”
We of the jungles… not fond of trespassers… the inhabitants of this planet were the ones who caused his ship to crash. This was getting better and better. A hand stretched out towards him, holding a cup of water which he took gratefully.
Suddenly, an imperious female walked into the room. A circlet of what appeared to be wood nestled upon her head. She had a commanding aura about her, accentuated by her extreme height - apparently this race was on the larger side, and Orion felt slightly dwarfed. With no preamble, the woman barked, “I would like to know what it is that you think you are doing on my planet.”
“Um…” How to phrase this? “It… wasn’t exactly by choice.”
“Obviously. It’s nice to know that our defensive systems work, but that isn’t the reason you’re here.”
“Defensive systems?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Yes. Apparently there’s been talk of some upstart real estate agent buying our planet. Can you believe that? As if they had the right!”
“That was before I realised that you had a civilization!” Orion blurted. Damn. They would kill him for sure.
“You…” her eyes widened in rage.
*There’s a break in the story as I realise I won’t have time to finish it*
ORION: Excuse! Platitude! Please don’t kill me!
CHIEFTAIN: But you’re trying to sell my entire planet on the galactic property market.
ORION: Runs away. *Attempts to survive in the wilderness* *Almost runs headfirst off a cliff within about three minutes* NOOOO!
CHIEFTAIN: Wow, this guy is an idiot. Well, I guess we oughta save him.
ORION: Thank you! I’ll do anything-
CHIEFTAIN: Well then. If you can convince your superiors to not sell our planet, consider your debt repaid.
ORION: Fine. *Goes back home.*
ETHEL: Sir, you have mail.
ORION: Not right now. Can’t a man get a minute of peace?
ETHEL: But, sir, it’s tagged as important.
ORION: Fine, you insufferable AI.
ETHEL: You’ve been fired.
ORION: Well, I’d like to think of that as a temporary arrangement. You see, I have powerful friends now and I doubt they’d want to let this get in the way of their plans. *Writes angry letter to boss*
BOSS: *Reads the letter* What do you mean, powerful friends?
CHIEFTAIN: Left a little bit...
*A homing missile crashes directly into Orion's boss's desk*
ORION: That's what I mean...
Bob and his three headed pet goat Rego landed on the island after seven stormy days at sea. The ship had sunk to the bottom of the sea and Bob and Rego had to swim 8km to just to get to the island. They were both feeling exhausted and were only able to salvage a soggy tomato and lettuce sandwich, a wet notebook, a leaky pen and an empty wine bottle from the shipwreck.
Bob lay on the sticky wet sand with Rego as the powerful ocean current pushed them both towards the safety of the island. Bob and Rego needed to find shelter, food and water.
They drag themselves off the sand and spy two vicious birds as large as a pterodactyls looking for prey in the palm trees. Without any weapons to fight the birds off Bob is scared.
Bob looked around the island and found a dead man lying near a large birds nest. Bob thought he might be the birds next victim. He used the dead mans crisp white shirt to quickly make a knife using only Origami. A technique he learnt from his mother.
“Oh no a bird,” says Bob dramatically.
A wild bird chases Bob and corners him on the edge of a mountain. Bob tries to fight the bird off with Rego but when they loose balance they both fall off the cliff.
Rego landed first and as Bob was flying through the air he luckily landed on Rego’s three heads cushioning his fall and saving his life. This would have instantly killed a normal goat but since Rego is different from other goats with three heads and six horns he survived.
With so many close calls Bob decided to write a letter to an old friend.
To my best friend Jeremy,
I might not make it out alive but just remember you are my best friend.
I’ve chosen to go forward even though I’ve lost all my supplies. I am eating a soggy sandwich I saved from the shipwreck while I write this and it tastes as good as a cheeseburger to me as I have not had food in such a long time and I’m so hungry.
I made a sharp knife out of a dead man’s shirt using only Origami and that’s got me this far.
If I ever see you again know this, live my legacy.
P.S. I hated you for stealing my cookie in Year 10.
Bob rolled the message into the wine bottle saved from the wreckage and sealed it with the cork making a squeaky sound. He took the bottle to the ocean and threw it into sparkling water.
Just then Rego went crazy rouge and started butting Bob with his multiple horns trying to get Bobs attention.
Bob thought Rego was trying to kill him and started to freak out. Bob was lying on the ground with Rego breathing all over him with three mouths.
“STOP REGO,” says Bob loudly.
“STOP IT, STOP IT, “ screams Bob fighting for his life.
Just then Bob hears a long loud “HONK” which sounds like a ferry from his hometown. Bob wiped his eyes in disbelief. He thought he was dreaming but floating on the ocean horizon was a ferry.
Rego was just trying to save him.
Bob hugged Rego and kissed all three heads. Bob said to Rego happily, “We’re going home.”
Bob arrived home safely and ran quickly along his parent’s street.
He saw his mothers favourite golden wattle tree and knew he was almost home. His mum opened the door thinking it is the mailman and was surprised it was her son.
Bob handed his mum the sharp origami knife made from a dead mans shirt and she used it to calve the chicken at the family dinner table that night. Rego and Bob always preferred the soggy sandwiches from their shipwreck adventure over his mum's cooking but never told her as it was their little secret.
Full story
From all the weeks
Alexandra could hear her heart racing. Excitement coursing through her veins. Her clothes had been taken to the boat but she was not going to wear a tunic and have her hair prettily braided. No, this was an expedition! This was a new beginning. She was going to Egypt; she would no longer be ruled by Julias Cesar. Alexadra crept into her brother Lucius' room; his old tunics were in there and they fit her perfectly. Alexandra crept past the moonlit pond. She stared at her pale white long tunic and a pale blue cloth over it embedded with jewels. Her hair, dressed in plaits and curls with flowers sprinkled all over them. It sickened her, this look. It was dangerous for a woman to be loud and bossy and Alexadra knew that, but this was her expedition no one else’s!
Alexandra was bossy, she was loud and she was proud. Her hate for the boundaries for women was vicious, but not as vicious as her hate of tunics, hair and so on. Alexandra had hand-packed her own clothes, no servants allowed, tucking in a dagger knife and a scroll, which the servants would never have packed. Rome was once beautiful but now it was nothing but dangerous for those against Julius Cesar. Alexandra walked through the humongous villa, her plaited hair swaying. She walked with pride.
Diary entry:
1 day left
We have only one day left until our boat leaves. Papa says this is a scary experience but I disagree. This is an expedition, we are looking for a place in Egypt. This is our goal, but the hardships on the way is what makes it truly an expedition. Diana is going to be foolish enough to wear her long dress tunic on ship!! But I shall wear a man’s tunic. It will be much easier to move on the ship. Marcus, Leo and Lucius will all laugh and Papa and Mama wil scowl but there is nothing they can do when we are set sail and my tunics are supposedly missing! I do hope that this expedition does go forward because the dangers of the sea are nothing compared to our ruler.
“Jewel” Alexadra yelled, “you're such a frighty cat, it;s just water”. Nothing compared to Julius Cesar. Paws padded the tiles and a growl erupted. Alexadra rolled her eyes. “For an exotic pet you're quite dainty”. A large leopard with emerald green eyes stared at her. Alexandra wrapped her arms around her neck. “Thanks for coming, girl” she whispered. Then with one swift movement Alexandra wrapped a rope around her neck tying it not too tightly. “Sorry Jewels, Papa won't let you on the boat unbounded. Between you and me I’m certainly untying you!’ “Alexandra, hurry, Papa needs us!” Diana sweetly called. Always trying to perfect, Alexandra thoughts muttered. “Come on Jewel, I hear the boat will have your favorite meat!” With that the pair strode after Diana.
The vicious wind whipped her face, tendrils of hair blowing wildly. The endless ripples of moonlit waves hypnotized her as they danced back and forth. The waves muffled the sounds of the ship. It enclosed around her comforting her. The endless sea could lulle her to sleep. Yet she could not face sleep. Not with the threats of her worries dangling above her head. The once beauty of the ocean turned into a nightmare. The deadly waves could trap you and the dots in the distance could very well be HIS ships. Alexandra tugged at her braids letting them loose in the wind. She tugged at her long tunic, her tunics were definitely going to disappear soon. She hated them! She scrunched up her face, everything was dangerous, but it was up to her to find the beauty in it all. This expedition, this dash to freedom was hers. She was escaping.
Alexandra grinned, piles of long dress tunics blew out the window. Alexandra reached for her last fancy tunic but paused. She might just need one, just in case Egypt wasn’t so keen on her new look. She stuffed it into her drawer and looked out the window. Her clothes were flowing away in the sea. A huge gust of wind smacked her in the face, she hastily shut the window. She looked at her reflection. She wore a short male tunic tied together with a red sash, her wild blonde hair now free. Just then Alexandra was knocked into her wall. She stood up gripping the bed, trying not to vomit. She moaned, the one thing she hated the most about the unique ocean was the waves, the waves that could demolish any ship.
Alexandra gripped the staircase, trying to walk to the main deck. “Alexandra” came with a dainty voice. She groaned. “What Diana?” she hissed. Alexandra turned around to see her beautiful sister's horrified face. “Are you wearing a man's tunic, never mind, you need to come back down, it's not safe for us up here! The waves” she whimpered. Alexandra rolled her eye’s. Then her hand slipped, her body crashed to the floor. She gripped her hand, looking at it she saw it was covered in blood. Diana groaned. Then a wave smashed into the ship spraying water all over the sisters. Diana screamed. Alexandra grabbed her sister's hand dragging her undercover. She searched for the problem, the main sail was being pulled down, almost tipping the ship over. She saw her brothers trying to heave a heavy crate of… the sail rope! “Jewel” screamed Alexandra. She grabbed the very sharp hair piece out of Diana’s hair. Clutching her bleeding hand to her chest. Her pet leopard bounded up to her. She grabbed Jewel's side and pointed to the boys. Jewel pulled Alexandra along, keeping her on her feet as the boat rocked. She ran over to the rope, ignoring Marcus screaming at her. The sail rippled and the ship spun out of control. Something hit her on the head, pain booming. The ship was leaning over the sail trying to get free. She started hacking the rope, cutting it. The rope snapped and the sail set back into place. Alexandra rested against Jewel. The pain settled in. Finally these stupid hair things were useful.
Alexandra’s face burnt with rage, she suppressed the need to lunge at her brothers. Who smirked as Papa screamed at her, “this is the last time” he said in a calm yet ominous voice. “If you make one last slip up, your precious leopard is not going to have much of a life anymore” he whispered. “What’s your decision?” Alexadra stared up at him, “I’ve already made it.” Alexandra strode out grabbing one of her fathers quills. The frosty wind stroked Alexandra as she stared at the rippling sea. She hoisted her heavy pack on her back. She pulled out a glinting emerald dagger, as she urged Jewel onto the boat. “Come on kitty cat, I’ve promised I have food in my bag,” she coaxed as she climbed onto the boat. The leopard climbed in after her, sensing Alexandra's fear she curled up into a small ball, taking up half the boat. Alexandra held the dagger up high, slicing the rope, and the boat fell into the water. Water sprayed everywhere, Alexadra grabbed the oars, rowing towards freedom.
Alexandra’s thoughts washed over her as she leaned against Jewel, the boat was drifting with the current. She was no longer a Roman girl, silenced in fear. She was no longer told “seen not heard”. The black sky was lit up with dazzling stars dotted like diamonds. The lapping waves stroked the small boat, pushing it forward. Alexandra stroked Jewel, the leopard nuzzled in. She was the only family Alexandra had. Then the boat thumped against something. Alexandra stood up, they were at the shore! Gorgeous trees stood up on a rolling hill covered in grass. The sunrise was breathtaking. Then she heard footsteps, a deep yet childish male voice started talking, “are you okay, how long were you at sea, wow you're pretty, did I just say that out loud, sorry, wait! Is that a leopard so cool? Oops sorry do you need help, wait of course you do come on my Grandpa and I will help” Alexandra smiled at the boy. This was freedom.
Bonus: the letter she writes to her family
Dear family,
Your choice is wrong. We are leaving Rome yet you make me hide myself.
I can never change who I am, I will never change who I am. Not for you or
for everyone. I love you all but with love comes sacrifice. You will not
harm my leopard Jewel, ever. So I am leaving. I have taken the spare
boat. If you want to change me you have to find me.
Voyage’s D&D Adventure! ***WIP***
Note: Hi y’all! I’m submitting this as a work in progress in the hopes of it being put on the slideshow. Because of this, there are several unfinished paragraphs and time skips. I’ll put notes in to say how long the time skips are. Hopefully by the holidays I’ll have written the whole story!
Dedicated to everyone who’s excited for the Honor Among Thieves movie. If you haven’t watched the trailer, do that. Put this story down. Watch the trailer. Congratulations! This story is now dedicated to you :)))
Content Warning: Jeez. Last time I wrote a Writer’s Club story it had themes of discrimination and dysphoria, and this one covers trauma and PTSD??? Why do I keep covering heavy topics??????
Real Content Warning: Fantasy Alcohol, Drunkenness, D&D Taverns, Trauma, Traumatic D&D Backstory, Violence, Violence Against Frogs, Sorry Frog Lovers, Voyage Loves Their Skewered Frogs
Complementary Song List: Jimmy by Moriarty, Bardic Inspiration (From “1 for All”) by Deerstalker Pictures (Don’t listen to that one unless you’re 13 or older), Jake Nielsen and Ned McPhie, Be a Monk (Cover of “Be a Man” from Mulan) by Cami-Cat, any version of He’s A Pirate (From “Pirates of the Caribbean”) originally composed by Klaus Badelt and Hans Zimmer, Traveler’s Song by Aviators
D&D Translations - Sometimes in this story, characters speak little bits of different fantasy languages. I’ll translate them just before they appear in the story.
Most D&D characters can learn languages that “aren’t spoken” by their race. That’s how Voyage knows Elvish: their boyfriend (an eladrin elf) taught them.
Here are the translators I used!
Draconic (Spoken by Dragons, Half-Dragons, Dragonborn, Kobolds, etc) -
Elvish (Spoken by Elves) -
“Oh, come oooon, let’s ask,” a voice said, piercing through the fog of Voyage’s brain like sunshine through thick clouds.
“Are you sure we should?” another answered, sceptical.
“We need another magic user,” a deep, gravelly voice argued, “And it’s not every day you find a whole adventuring party in a single tavern,”
“If you’re sure,” the second voice sighed.
Voyage’s tankard was slammed onto the table by a small, tanned hand and they shot up in their seat.
“I’MSORRYIDIDN’TMEANTOTAKeyour- oh,” Voyage blinked and rubbed their eyes. In front of them were four humanoids who looked the adventuring sort.
A halfling in a peacock blue tunic with little multicoloured pockets sewn onto it wherever there was room was holding the handle of Voyage’s tankard. They were smiling, pleased, so Voyage assumed that they were the one who woke them up. A yellow handkerchief poked out of a pocket near their left sleeve. Voyage themself had a yellow-saffron ribbon tied through a hole in their shirt that had nearly frayed apart.
A half-orc with the greyish skin of her non-human parent towered behind the halfling. She wore a pale dress embroidered with fruit and a green shawl over her shoulders.
An elf in a fine purple vest and leggings was idly tightening the bandages around her wrists. Voyage couldn’t see any blood, so they assumed the bandages were to prevent injury rather than to heal it.
The last humanoid towered above the rest, even the half-orc. Her skin was covered by gleaming scales. Each one looked like it was polished by hand until they shone and shimmered in the sun. The flickering firelight danced across them. Voyage was so mesmerised by them that they almost didn’t hear the dragonborn speak.
“We are on a quest to explore the Cloudcry Rainforest. Would you like to accompany us?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.
“What do I get?” Voyage quirked an eyebrow.
“One fifth of any treasure we find,” she answered, “and an adventure,”
Voyage nodded, biting their lip in thought.
“There’s just one thing…” Voyage said, “Why do you want me on this adventure? How do I know you didn’t just go up to the first drunk dwarf you could find and trick them into an ambush?”
“You’re paranoid,” the dragonborn observed.
Voyage shrugged. “It’s the kind of thing I’d do,”
“How about this,” the halfling butted in, “Let’s wait until midday to make a decision. You can go, sober up and think about it and we can pack and make arrangements or something. We’ll meet back here after,”
Voyage nodded, then frowned. “Midday tomorrow?”
“Midday today…?” the halfling mirrored their expression.
“But it’s-” Voyage looked out the window, “MORADIN’S INEXPRESSIBLES! It’s morning already!?”
Voyage stumbled off their chair and started shoving everything into their bag with shaking hands that they glared at, futilely commanding them to be still. Then they stopped and looked up.
“Why me?” they asked again.
“We could do with another magic user,” the dragonborn explained.
“How’d you know that I…?”
“Your Arcane Focus is sticking out of your pocket,” she nodded at it.
Voyage attempted to subtly nudge their crystal back in. The adventurers kindly didn’t mention the weird spasm the movement turned into.
“We’ll leave you be for now,” the halfling grinned, “See you at midday!”
The adventurers left Voyage to grumble at their bag underneath the table. They scooped up Kindling the stick insect and put him on their shoulder. Kindling brushed Voyage’s neck soothingly with his antennae as they yawned and got up.
{ I passed out because I drank too much Silver’s Ale. Have you ever done that, Feelia? Drank till you dropped? Maybe if you stayed on the Material Plane as a humanoid more often you would’ve.
I was woken by a bunch of adventurers who wanted me to explore the Cloudcry Rainforest with them. I have until midday to decide whether to go or not. Is that even a decision? I’d worry that the ale is stopping me from thinking properly, but my hands are steady enough to write and I’m pretty sure I’d choose to go anyway.
I’ve got my questing pack and daggers, so I’m prepared. If I need to eat I’m sure I can scrounge something.
You can thank Kindling for getting me away from town. I probably would’ve stumbled into a thieves’ den and you would’ve lost your favourite disciple. For that, I’ve once more decided not to burn him this week.
Send my love to Qinqan!
All the best,
Voyage }
A few hours later, Voyage ambled toward the tavern. The sign swinging from the roof was painted with five dragon heads of different colours, proudly (and controversially) proclaiming the name of the establishment: THE TIAMAT TAVERN.
They leaned on the door to push it open and walked inside.
The adventurers weren’t there, so Voyage walked up to the bar. The gnome waiting behind it looked at them through narrowed eyes.
“I hope you aren’t planning to drink more. I know how much you ordered last night,” she scolded, “That Hair of the Dog ‘cure’ doesn’t work at all. The best thing for hangovers is a glass o’ water and food,”
“I’ll have that, please,” Voyage said.
The gnome gave them a hard stare and passed them a menu. Voyage glanced down the selection of meals before settling on an old favourite that they had cooked themself many times.
“Skewered frogs, please,” they ordered.
“Good choice,” the gnome nodded, “Zeliya went hunting yesterday and brought back a whole army,”
“A whole WHAT?” Voyage hissed, freezing.
“An army of frogs,” the gnome explained, amused, “That’s what a group of them are called.”
“Oh,” Voyage relaxed and smiled, “You learn something new every day,”
“You sure do. How many skewered frogs would you like?”
Voyage scanned the menu for the price. 2 copper pieces each.
“Two,” Voyage answered.
“And some water?”
The gnome turned toward the kitchen and handed a smock-wearing satyr a piece of paper. She poured some water into a glass before passing it to Voyage. Their fingers were chilled by it and the icy freshness of the drink cleared Voyage’s head when they sipped at it. When the skewered frogs arrived, Voyage almost cried because they knew that they probably couldn’t keep anything down.
“Takeaway, please?” Voyage whimpered.
The gnome turned back around and wrapped the frogs in oiled paper.
“That’ll be another copper piece,” she says.
Voyage hands one over and walks over to the table that they passed out at. Amusingly, there was a dink in the table where their tankard had been.
“I’m billing the halfling for that if they come back!” the gnome called.
“Oops,” the halfling in question said, smiling, walking through the door with the rest of the adventuring party.
“One electrum piece,” the gnome demanded, glaring at them.
The halfling sauntered up and dropped a handful of clinking silver pieces on the bar, which the gnome scooped up.
“Can I get you anything?” she asked.
The halfling paused, leaning their head on their propped up arm.
“Menu?” they finally asked.
As the halfling scoured the menu, the rest of the party walked over to Voyage’s table.
“So,” the dragonborn said, “None of us have introduced ourselves,”
She rose up to her full two or so metre height, craning her head down to look at Voyage, who felt like a very small dwarf at that moment. The dragonborn wore a dark tunic that wrapped around her body and trailed into an almost-skirt beneath a gem-studded leather belt. Dark bejewelled bracelets glowed on her wrists, but every jewel was outshone by her glinting scales and ruby eyes.
“My name is Emrir Perra. I am the leader of this quest,” she said, “Who are you?”
“I’m Voyage,” they said, blinking, “Hi,”
“Hello,” the half-orc smiled, “I’m Seraphina,”
“My name’s Mialee,” the elf said, twisting a lock of green hair around a finger.
“And I’m Orthi!” the halfling cheered, coming up to the table.
“Have you made your decision, Voyage?” Perra tilted her head.
Voyage nodded.
“I’m coming,” they smiled, “If you’ll take me,”
As Voyage walked through town they noticed that they were noticed a lot more, now that they were travelling with adventurers. Their slightly raggedy black coat, short tousled hair, scuffed boots and many-pocketed backpack wasn’t much to look at, though they did get the occasional curious look for being a beardless dwarf or having streaks of luminescent aquamarine in their hair.
No, they are not natural. You can find all kinds of dyes in the Feywild.
They marched through the town of - - - unfinished :(
- - - Time skip: They’re out of the town and in the Cloudcry Forest - - -
The leaves CRUNCHed under Voyage’s boots as they tried to keep up with their taller party members. Brie the halfling was cheating by hitching a ride on Seraphina the half-orc. Voyage also had to keep looking at their feet so they didn’t trip on a gnarled root, a mossy rock or worse yet, into a ring of mushrooms. Voyage knew the dangers of stepping into one too well. It had been in another forest, where the trees weren’t quite as tall but equally as gnarled. Sunlight had streamed through the leaves there too, dawn light rather than midday sun, but Voyage hadn’t been walking, they - no, he then - had been carried by loving, desperate arms, trembling and watching over dada’s shoulder for fire and lightning lighting up the sky, brighter than the sunrise, shooting through the bloodred sunrise. He hadn’t expected the JOLT of dada tripping so he SHRIIIIEEEKED as they fell, fell into HELL and mama was there too but then she was r i p p e d away it was too dark he couldn’t see, they couldn’t see, he and his dada couldn’t see and then he couldn’t see his dada DADA DADA WHERE ARE YOUUU and then he was walking running stumbling
Voyage stumbled on a small root and squeaked. The rest of the party looked back at them and Voyage flushed.
“I’m fine,” they called, resting a hand on the rough bark of the tree they tripped over.
Were they?
Voyage hurriedly hopped to the rest of the party. Once they caught up, they all started walking again. This time, Voyage tried not to get caught in memories as dark and twisted as the feyd- tried not to get caught in memories. They looked up every so often to see birds of all colours and sizes flitting through the treetops, small mammals slinking along branches or a particularly vibrant flower. One blooming vine of yellow-orange flowers reminded Voyage of some flower crowns that they had woven with their boyfriend. That memory was a reminder that most memories made in the Feywild were happy ones.
Darn it, Voyage needed to FOCUS.
- - - Time skip: the whole adventure, to the very end - - -
Voyage ambled into the Tiamat Tavern and sunk into the same seat that Perra and the rest of the exploring party woke them up in. They thumbed a dink in the table with a trembling hand and felt the sides of their mouth rise.
“What happened to you?” the gnome behind the bar tilted her head.
The shoulders of Voyage’s coat had frayed at the seams and one of its coattails had been torn off, making Voyage look like a short lopsided crow. Their brown hair was tangled and matted, with only dim streaks of the dyed aqua left at the tips. Their boots were scuffed, covered in indescribable gunk and the left shoe’s sole was flapping a little. Their hands were grimy and grazed, and they guessed that their face didn’t look too good either.
“Rough week,” Voyage shrugged.
The gnome nodded in understanding and went back to polishing the bar table.
The Golden Diamond of Ember Jungle
A long time ago, there lived a man. The people called him the golden blacksmith, because of his great ability to forge things with great skill. And with this great ability, the man forged a golden diamond. It was said that with the diamond, one could control time itself. With this power, the golden blacksmith quickly rose to power, and became the emperor. He was a kind emperor though, and always cared for the poor. The golden blacksmith rid the land of all evil.
Still, no-one, no matter how powerful, could totally rid the land of evil. There was a man named Helfingon, and he wanted the power that the golden diamond would give him. One day, while the emperor slept, he crept through the window of his room, and killed him in his sleep. He then went off with the diamond. The entire kingdom fell into chaos. The emperor was buried, and the throne was fought for.
Helfingon however, was never seen again. It was said that the diamond’s power was too much for him, and it pulverized him. The diamond was lost, and was never seen again. Until now.
Chapter 1
Fred Haddy Rema Teller Yug Quilver Smith was lying in his bed, in Danner. He had woken up, and was staring at the ceiling. He was 12 years old. His face was round, and his eyes were like green jewels sparkling in a black ocean of skin. He wasn’t a people person, so he didn’t make many friends. The kids mostly ignored him.
The only thing interesting about him was his older brother, 29-year-old Paul Zafen Camy Relwo Taj Renda Smith.
Paul was the first mate in the ship Valiant. Paul had sailed the 2378 seas with his captain, Captain Ryhander. He had battled sea monsters, discovered the hidden Isles of Tandek, and seen most of the world. Now, because of Captain Ryhander, Paul, and lots of other explorers, what used to be the unknown world was now mostly known. But there were still places that were not explored yet, like the Ember Jungle.
The explorers had mapped the coastline, but the rest of the island was completely unmapped.
Fred heard the sound of hooves on cobbles, and looked out of his window to see 5 men on horseback ride into the town. He had been lying on his bed, and it was early morning. He groaned sleepily, and went back to his bed, then jerked upright again when he remembered what day it was. It was the day his brother was leaving for an expedition to the Ember Jungle! Fred leapt out of bed, tripped on his blanket, crashed through his door, tumbled down the stairs, and landed in a crumpled heap in front of Paul.
Paul was tall, strong, muscular, and everything an explorer could be. He was wearing a backpack, and all sorts of things hung from his belt, such as a telescope, a compass, a sword, and a fireswitch. He was also holding a plate of reva buns.
‘Hey little bro,’ Paul said, chewing on a bun, ‘falling down the stairs again?’ Instead of answering, Fred jumped up, snatched a reva bun, and bit into it. The small ball of sugar in the middle instantly popped, showering his mouth with sugar.
‘gou bealing hoday, wight?’ Fred asked, with his mouth full. He swallowed, and said, ‘You leaving today, right?’
‘That’s right bro,’ Paul said, ‘to the Ember Jungle.’
‘I’ll miss you,’ Fred said sadly, ‘but you’ll come back as soon as you can, right?’
‘Right,’ Paul said, throwing the plate into the air to prevent Fred from snatching another rava bun, and catching it expertly, ‘say though, what if…’ He trailed off. Fred whisper-shouted, ‘What!’
‘What if you came with us?’ Paul asked, ‘we need a new crewmember, and you could learn some good skills. You’re old enough now, and I’ve asked mum and dad about it. They’ve agreed that you can go. You might even become famous!’ Fred’s mouth had steadily been dropping wider and wider until it touched the floor.
‘Mum and dad said I could go?’ He asked. His parents had always been the ones to tell him to ‘stay safe’ and ‘don’t do anything stupid’. And they had said he could go? Paul nodded his head.
‘Of course, I want to go!’ Fred blurted.
‘Then you’d better start packing,’ Paul said, and Fred ran back up the stairs with the biggest smile the world had ever seen.
Chapter 2
Fred rushed up the stairs, running back into his room. He hoisted up his backpack from the floor (his room was a hog house) and rushed around, deciding what he wanted to take. He grabbed his models of famous explorers, waterskin, compass, small dagger that he had gotten as a gift from Paul, two books, a tortoise shell, and last of all, his toy pig, Onk. He shoved the mess down the backpack, and ran back down the stairs.
‘So, I’m really going?’ Fred asked, hopping up onto the kitchen counter, and drumming his fingers on the wood.
‘Yes,’ his dad said, sounding resigned. His mum was standing near the door, looking sad. ‘Come on, you’ve got a long journey now. Just…stay safe, and send us a letter when you get there.’ Fred pumped his fist in victory, then ran off to see where Paul had gone off to. He found him leaning against the wall, watching as the venducks swam in the Carmen River, their long necks, long wings, and stubby beaks showing clearly in the sunlight. Paul noticed Fred and turned around with a smile.
‘You ready to set off on an adventure?’ he asked.
‘Yes!’ Fred cried, ‘but can I take Harrier?’
‘Fine,’ Paul said, ‘but be quick.’
He rushed around to an old shack surrounded by trees. He walked in. Small bones lined the ground.
‘Harrier,’ Fred called softly. An answering shriek cut through the air like a knife, and a golden-brown blur raced past him, and alighted on a branch in an old oak. It was a hawk. His wings stretched out he looked a magnificent sight. He was tall and menacing, and his beak was curved and deadly. His talons gripped the branch with a death grip, and were as sharp as knifes. And in Fred’s mind, he was the most beautiful hawk he’d ever seen. Harrier hopped down to Fred’s shoulder, gripping on just enough so he wouldn’t fall off.
Fred met Harrier one day, when a lightning bolt struck a tree where a nest of hawks was. All the chicks died, except Harrier. Later on, Fred went to see what the tree looked like, saw Harrier, and fed him small pieces of rabbit and mouse to keep it alive. From then on, they were fast friends.
‘We’re going on an adventure Harrier,’ Fred said. ‘We’re going to the Ember Jungle.’ Harrier shrieked into Fred’s face.
‘Are you coming?’ Fred said. Harrier shrieked another time.
‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ Fred said.
They heard something, and rushed around the house to see a huge coach, decorated in black and red, pull up, pulled by two horses that were puffing and panting. The driver, a big man with more fat than muscle nodded to Paul, and he nodded back. They got in the coach, and Fred was finally on his way to his first (and possibly last) adventure. They waved goodbye to their parents, who were soon just specks on the horizon. Harrier flew overhead as they rode over hills, through valleys, around forests, and under tunnels, until they were on a straight road to the capital, Halvington. Soon they were in the city.
Chapter 3
Fred was instantly enveloped in exotic smells, loud noises, and extraordinary sights. The buildings seemed to stretch into the sky, and the people were wearing fancy clothes, such as tail coats, and corsets. They rode through all this. The people cheered when they saw Paul in the coach. They ran after the coach, which made its way to the docks.
When they got to the docks, they saw Valiant in all its glory, red sails flapping, green sides blazing out, the words, Valiant scrawled in fancy silver writing on the sides. All the crew was assembled in front of the gangplank.
There was Silver Jack, his silver coat made entirely of bullets, his guns in his holsters. He was the best shooter in all the islands of Tandek.
Next was Massie Karn, tall and forbidding. Her sword skills were spectacular.
There were also the Lemoroy triplets, Nate 1, Nate 2 and Nate 3. They were identical in their cheeky grins, childlike faces, and knack for causing trouble. However, they knew how to get out of any tricky situation (since they’d been in a lot of them), and were handy if you were held at gunpoint, dropped into a sea writhing with sharks, or attacked by a 1 veep tall, three headed, rampaging dagger-mouse.
Gary Crunch stood near the front, his huge hands waving at the crowd. His famous 50 kg hammer was slung over his back.
Leena Ramble was fidgeting nervously. She didn’t fight with anything but a long stick.
Shirly Slice’n’dice was closest to the gangplank. It was rumoured that she had 100 blades with her at always. But the daggers you could see were strapped on her belt, running down her arms and legs, on her back, and in her hands.
Dr Barry held his medical bag tightly. He was the ship’s doctor, and had saved all their lives in the past.
Fred’s brother Paul went to stand beside the Lemoroy triplets. He was first mate in the ship Valiant, and a good one at that.
Finally, there was Captain Ryhander, both legs chopped off in a swordfight and replaced by wooden ones, both hands eaten by a Sharkopus and replaced by metal hooks, one eye gored out by a dagger-mouse.
Paul chatted with Captain Ryhander for a bit, then they came over to Fred.
‘So, you’re the new recruit?’ Captain Ryhander asked.
‘Yessir, I’m the new recruit,’ Fred said. Captain Ryhander had a laugh at this.
‘We’ll make an explorer of you yet,’ Captain Ryhander said, ‘welcome to the crew.’
Suddenly, a voice bellowed out. It said, ‘Hello citizens of Halvington. It is I, the Emperor. We are here today, to see the crew of the Valiant set off on their quest to map the unknown world, and bring back any precious things that they find from there. If they make it back alive, I will give them 4000 gold grambles. Now it is time to set off. Go, Valiant! Make us proud!’
With that, the crew all leaped up the gangplank, hoisted up the sails, and they were off, to new discoveries, and a deadly adventure.
Chapter 4
Fred vomited off the side of the ship. It had only been 2 days, and he was sick as a dog. Harrier looked at him in a disapproving way, then flapped off. Paul was guiding the ship through the passageway of Varn, while Captain Ryhander peered into the mist.
‘Lotta deadly creeps down here,’ someone said. Fred, startled, turned around to see Massie standing right next to him. He leapt back in surprise.
‘Sharkopus, ballian gramhookers,’ continued Massie, as if Fred hadn’t made a noise, ‘you better be careful in these parts.’ She walked off, still muttering.
‘She does that sometimes,’ Nate 1 said, hanging upside-down off the mast.
‘Yup,’ said Nate 2, juggling swords.
‘Definitely,’ Nate 3 said, hanging off the side of the ship with only the strength of his pinky.
Suddenly, there was an eerie sound from the port side. It was like a wail and a howl combined. Nate 1 stiffened, Nate 2 dropped a sword, and Nate 3 nearly fell off the ship. He hoisted himself up, as Captain Ryhander started speaking.
‘Crunch, get to starboard, and have your axe at the ready. Fred, get up into the crow’s nest to scout around us. Nates, to the front of the ship. Paul, Jack, to portside. Shirly, Massie, go to the back. Leena, take the wheel. Doc, down to the inside. Get ready to start pumping water. There are only two creatures that make that kind of noise, and neither of them are friendly.’
The crew obeyed quickly and efficiently, each running (or in Nate 1’s case swinging) to their posts. Fred climbed unsteadily to the crow’s nest, and leaned out, using a looking glass in the crow’s nest. What he saw made him shiver. A creature was rising up from the depths.
‘It’s coming in from portside!’ he yelled, as the creature finally showed itself.
It was massive. A bulbous head sat on 8 tentacles, each tipped with a huge shark head. It was blue-black, and covered with green wavy lines. The sharkopus loomed over the ship, and slammed down. The crew scattered, as one of the huge tentacles wreaked havoc on the deck.
Gary brought his hammer down on the tentacle, and it split, showering him in green blood. The sharkopus let out a wail-howl, and wrapped its tentacles around the ship. Valiant groaned. The tentacle Gary had hammered grew itself back, and grabbed him with the shark head. Gary’s face went white with the pain of the shark head biting his chest. A well-aimed shot from Jack caused the tentacle to let go of Gary, and he lay on the deck. Soon Shirly and Jack were down too. Harrier flew around the beast’s head, screeching and clawing at the fat mass Fred looked around the crow’s nest, and saw a bag of throwing daggers.
He picked one up, and threw it right into the sharkopus’ bulbous head. Everyone froze. The sharkopus swivelled around to look directly at Fred. It released his hold on the boat, and started rising from the water to Fred. Fred desperately started throwing knives in the creature’s face, but the monster climbed on. Fred, in a desperate act, leaped off the crow’s nest. He landed in a still intact hammock, and fell on the deck with a crack. The sharkopus turned around, and suddenly stopped. It fell down on the deck to reveal Captain Ryhander, with his hooks dripping with green blood. It was dead.
Chapter 5
The crew pulled the throwing daggers from the dead sharkopus’ bulbous head until there were none left.
‘Can’t waste the knifes,’ Leena had said. Dr Barry had treated Gary’s wounds, which were, ‘Scandalously bad!’ He pulled two teeth from Gary’s side, cleaned the wound, and wrapped it up. Dr Barry’s verdict was, ‘Three days of rest.’ Gary had harrumphed, then gone down to lie down. Fred was treated for a sprained ankle, Jack for a broken leg, and Shirly for a severe slash down her arm, but nobody else had gotten seriously hurt.
They sailed for a week, and came to an outpost called Mern, where ships frequently went to fix up, and get some rest from sailing. When they arrived, some men at the Mern dock pulled them in. they went up to the inn, the Lumpy Gramhooker, and Fred had his first taste of rum. Fred decided to explore the outpost.
It was sort of like a town, but no town Fred had ever seen. The entire place stank of fish, and the houses were on huge metal poles. He found out that the houses were like that because the place was often flooded. How the ships withstood it, he didn’t know.
He played around with some other kids for a while playing bungy ball (a game where the ball was attached to a rope, that one of the someone held. Everybody would make a ring around the person in the middle, and the game would begin. The person was meant to swing the ball around his head. The ring of people had to jump over, duck under, or dodge the ball. When a person was hit, he was the ball holder).
Fred walked back to the Lumpy Gramhooker, feeling very happy and tired. and came in to see Paul talking with a small tubby man, a head shorter than Paul was. Paul noticed Fred, and waved him over.
‘This is an old friend of mine, Rudrick Fezle. Rud, this is my brother, Fred Haddy Rema Teller Yug Quilver Smith,’ he said, gesturing at Rudrick and then at Fred.
‘Hello young lad!’ Rudrick yelled boisterously, ‘I see you’ve followed your older brother’s footsteps into explorer hood. But I tell you, it’s a hard path to go down. I sure wouldn’t try!’ He then laughed heartily.
‘Yes,’ Fred said, ‘I want to be an explorer, and I don’t care about any challenges. (This was a lie)’ Rudrick had another laugh at that, and walked off to get more rum. Fred walked back to his bunk in the inn, and lay down. He was soon snoring away.
Chapter 6
The next day, they set off again. Valiant flew over the water. They travelled for a while, going through the Ballian Ocean. Fred stood on the crow’s nest, looking out to the horizon. Harrier flew around his head, occasionally screeching loudly to keep Fred from dropping off.
They sailed for a week, meeting a huge whale on the way. Fred enjoyed the days at sea. He was used to the movement of the ship now, and he enjoyed the nights, were they told stories about their adventures over a fire. Soon afterwards, they neared the end of the known maps.
‘We’re here at last mates,’ Captain Ryhander bellowed, ‘the edge of the known world. Are we going to back out now?’
‘No!’ bellowed the crew.
‘Are we going to tun back?’ Captain Ryhander shouted.
‘No!’ shouted the crew.
‘Will we go on?’ Captain Ryhander yelled.
‘Yes!’ yelled the crew. Then, they started moving again. Little did they know that not all of them would come back alive.
Fred climbed up to the crow’s nest as they cut through the water. He could see for miles around. The sky was blue, and the ocean like a pane of glass. The sails billowed out from under him. It was just him, Harrier, the sky, and the big blue ocean. He looked down, and saw the crew milling about underneath him, doing their jobs efficiently and quickly.
The entire scene felt wonderful. It felt like he had been caged in the little village of Danner, and now was free. Harrier screeched, and Fred jerked back into reality to see a land mass up ahead.
‘Land ahoy!’ he shouted down. There was great excitement in the air, as the crew all crowded to the prow of the boat. Fred climbed (and tumbled) down to the deck. Soon, it was in sight. It looked magnificent. There were trees as tall as the mystic things in books called skyscrapers, and as thick as houses. A beach stretched for kilometres around. It was calm and felt like the perfect home. This was the Ember Jungle.
Then, a terrifying shriek cut the air, and Fred fell back in terror. He wasn’t the only one. The Lemoroy triplets fell, one on top of each other from the rigging. Shirly drew 8 daggers, each between her fingers. Dr Barry turned white. Jack drew his guns.
There was a long silence. Then, Paul shouted, ‘lower the anchor! We’re close enough!’ Gary thundered over to the anchor, and tossed it overboard. There was a muffled clunk as it hit the ground.
‘Lower the row boats,’ Captain Ryhander said, ‘we’re getting off this boat and onto that land.’
‘No disrespect Captain,’ Paul said, ‘but that would be extremely unwise. Whatever that was, it sounds deadly.’
‘That’s why I intend to get on the land,’ Captain Ryhander said, ‘so I can battle the beast face to face.’
‘Aye,’ shouted the crew.
With that, they left Valiant, and rowed to the shore. The beach cool under their feet, as they walked up. Fred took out his dagger. He noticed others taking out weapons too. Harrier perched on his shoulder as they entered the forest, and Captain Ryhander took the lead, macheting through the forest. The shriek sounded again, and they headed towards it. Shirly stayed behind, to watch the ship. She lit a fire, and placed a piece of wood on top of it. The piece of wood was covered in sap. Instantly, the thing exploded, showering the people with sand. Everybody looked back at Shirly. She shrugged, and they set of again.
After an hour of walking, they came to a clearing. The shriek came, and Fred pushed aside some leaves to find a kitten perched on a stick.
‘Aw,’ Fred said. The kitten mewled, and licked itself on the paw. Fred reached out to pick the kitten up, and Leena cried, ‘Don’t!’ but it was too late. Fred grabbed the kitten with his right hand, and a huge mouth closed over his hand. Two grotesque eyeballs stared up at him. The creature was oval shaped, with small tubby legs, and one long hand perched on the top of its head. Fred realised that the ‘kitten on a stick’ was a tongue. Then, the burning began. Fred screamed.
Chapter 7
The creature shrieked, while keeping its mouth shut. Paul ran to Fred’s side, and started to hack at the little thing’s head, while Harrier clawed at its head. Fred continued screaming, and tried to jerk his hand away, but the creature was jerked with him. It screeched louder, and the hand grabbed his face and dragged him back.
Paul, giving up on slashing it, prised his knife under the mouth of the small beast, far away from Fred’s hand, and gave a jerk up. Fred yanked his hand out, and Gary smashed the creature.
Fred’s hand was burnt, red and blistered. Dr Barry cooled the acid burn (for that was what it was) with water, cleaned it of any leftover acid, and wrapped it.
‘This land is dangerous captain,’ Massie said, ‘we should turn back now!’
‘Aye,’ Jack said.
‘We came here to map the land, and we’re going to map the land!’ Captain Ryhander said, ‘But anyone too chicken can go back to the safe little ship, and stay there. You got that?’
Just then, a scream came from the ship’s direction. Fred froze. That sounded like Leena!
‘Come on!’ Fred yelled, and trying (but mostly failing) to ignore the pain in his hand, he dashed to the ship, with the rest of the crew in tow.
When they reached Valiant, they were greeted with a terrible sight. Three giant wormy things were surrounding the ship. They had no eyes, and their mouths were circular and had sharp teeth sticking out of them. Their bodies were a pale shade of pink, and covered in a clear kind of slime.
‘Ballian gramhookers!’ Massie, Nate 1, Nate 2, and Nate 3 all yelled at the same time. Leena was struggling with another of the creatures on the sand of the beach. The ballian gramhooker had its mouth latched on her leg, and was slowly becoming a red colour. Shirly was digging dagger after dagger in its body, and the creature was bleeding so much, it looked like a waterfall.
Gary rushed it, and slammed his hammer on its body. It shrieked, as it exploded. the ballian gramhookers stopped their assault at once. All 4 (now 3) dove into the sand, and tunnelled away.
‘Supplies!’ Captain Ryhander bellowed.
‘Aye,’ Massie bellowed back. She swam out to the ship, and took a quick look around. She came back looking grim.
‘All supplies gone, except for the chicken and three pigeons (she lifted up a startled looking chicken and a cage full of pigeons) and the ships in no condition to sail,’ she said, ‘we’re stranded here, on this island.’ There was a long silence.
‘We’re stuck here with no idea about what lives here, with no food, no water, and no supplies except the ones we had on us, and two of us are injured! How could this possibly get worse?’ Paul asked. Then, the floor opened up underneath them, and, screaming, they plunged down into the abyss.
Chapter 8
They fell down for a short while, then came to a sort of slope. They landed, and instantly started sliding down the slope. Fred screamed louder as they sped sideways and his hand was slammed against the wall.
Massie let go of the chicken, and it attempted to fly – something that was as likely to happen as a hippopotamus learning how to sing. It landed on its chest, and started shooting out eggs like cannonballs. Fred and the others were soon covered in eggshell and egg yolk. Silver Jack attempted to attach a grappling hook on one of his guns, and shot it, but all he managed to do was give Nate 3 a chance to do water skiing on land, as he grabbed it and slid on his yolky shoes. Gary (who was in the front of the sliding pack) slammed his hammer on the ground, and stopped for a brief moment, before Captain Ryhander, Paul, Leena, and Shirly slammed into him. The chicken finally stopped laying eggs, and landed in the hole Garry’s hammer had made, stopping abruptly. Dr Barry slid at the back, the only one not covered with egg as he slid precariously on his medical bag. He caught up to the chicken, and grabbed it out of the hole.
Finally, they slid to a stop at the bottom of the slope. Covered in egg, they stumbled onto the dirt floor. Shirly groaned, and lay on the ground panting, her leg covered in blood. Dr Barry rushed to her side, and started wrapping the wound with the remaining supplies he had in his medical bag, and using Leena’s stick to support her up.
‘Well, that was…unexpected,’ Captain Ryhander said, ‘but still, we’ve been in worse situations than this! And besides, we can eat the chicken and the pigeons.’ The chicken gave Captain Ryhander a reproachful look, and pecked the ground.
‘Anyway,’ Nate 2 said, ‘there’s no way we’re getting up that!’ he gestured at the tunnel they had just flew down. It was smoother than silk, and almost vertical.
‘Since we cannot go back up,’ Nate 1 said,
‘We’ll have to go forward!’ Nate 3 interrupted.
Suddenly, the light filtering in from the tunnel vanished. Torches puffed into existence along a large hallway. The hallway was littered with old leaves. There were shelves on the walls, which were covered in odd objects, such as a skull that looked suspiciously like a human’s, a half a door, three tiny bugs stuck on pieces of paper, and a floating object in the middle of a green bottle.
They walked along it, seeing more and more objects as they went. A teapot, a chess set with all the pieces missing, a boat with a hole in the bottom. After a long walk, they finally came to a huge room. There were more of the shelves in it. The room had a musty smell to it, and looked like no one had lived there for years. There was a circular table in the middle of the room, with stone chairs sitting around it.
Out of nowhere, a voice rasped out. It was the oldest voice Fred had ever heard, a voice that foretold ancient secrets long forgotten, but also a voice edged with evil.
Chapter 9
Fred cowered on the ground. Shirly looked like she wanted to, but couldn’t. Paul groaned. All three Nates yelled, ‘US!’ Massie grimaced. Dr Barry fainted. Garry hefted his hammer. Leena tried to brandish her stick, before realizing that it was under Shirly. Jack dropped his guns. But Captain Ryhander smiled, then quickly covered it up with a frown.
A woman walked out of the shadows. She was old. Actually, old didn’t really capture it. She was prehistoric. Her hands were rough and scarred. A vortex of hidden secrets and wonders were hidden behind her blind eyes. She was wearing a long cloak, and no shoes. She held a staff in her left hand. But the strangest thing about her was the aura of power she gave out. It pulsed through the air like a wave.
‘I asked,’ she croaked, ‘who. Are. You?’
‘We’re explorers,’ Captain Ryhander said, ‘and we’re here to…’
‘We’re not,’ Paul shouted, as Captain Ryhander gave some kind of noise between a groan and a whoop, ‘We just want to map this place!’
‘LIES AND POPPYCOCK!’ Grelfandor bellowed as more old and power radiating men and women crept out of their hiding places, ‘WE WILL NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP OUR TREASURE! NEVER! I WILL GIVE YOU A WARNING NEVER TO COME BACK AGAIN! IF YOU COME BACK…’ she paused dramatically, ‘YOU WILL DIE!’
‘WE-HA,’ shouted the men and women, all waving their staffs menacingly.
‘GET THE BIRD!’ the Grelfandor shrieked. A man stepped up, and waved his staff. Harrier, who, sensing the danger, was trying to fly away, was dragged through the air toward the man.
‘good,’ Grelfandor rasped, grabbing the bird from the air. She spoke a string of words unintelligible to the ear, and Harrier was lifted into the air, screeching franticly. Fred screamed, ‘Harrier!’ and leaped toward him, but an old man sliced his staff through the air, and Fred flew back, slamming against the wall.
Fred watched, pinned to the wall by invisible hands, as Harrier was lifted higher and higher, screeching all the while. Finally, when Harrier was her highest, Grelfandor brought down her hand, and the bird that had shared so many memories with Fred was slammed down against the ground. Bones cracked as Harrier hit the ground. She lay there, unmoving.
‘Harrier!’ Fred screamed again, tears falling from his eyes as the force let go of him, and he fell on the ground, wheezing, choking, and sobbing.
‘LET THIS BE A WARNING TO ALL WHO DARE ENTER THIS CAVERN,’ Grelfandor said, ‘NOW GET OUT!’ She slammed her staff into the ground, and a sound wave blasted towards them, shoving them all out of the tunnel, and all the way out onto the beach. Fred pounded the beach, crying like his life depended on it.
‘There, there, little bro, everything’s going to be all right,’ Paul said, patting Fred on the back. Fred cried and cried, until there were no tears left to cry. Then, abruptly, he stood up, and ran toward the hole.
‘What are you doing?’ Paul said, catching Fred around the waist. Fred snarled and struggled to get free.
‘Now wait, you two!’ Captain Ryhander yelled, ‘Fred, stop trying to go down there, and Paul, stop stopping him. We’ll need a plan.’ There was a maniacal look in his eyes as he stared around.
‘Wait,’ Fred said. Now he had been stopped by Captain Ryhander and Paul, he remembered he had told his mother that he was going to send his mother a letter. He looked around, and saw two rocks. He couldn’t use paper, as it had all been sunk when the ship did, but he could scratch his message on a rock with another one. He had done it before, when sending notes to Paul in the Tandek Isles.
Fred thought what he was going to write on the rock. He finally settled for this.
Dear mother,
Hi mum. Don’t panic, but we’re stuck in the Ember Jungle with practically nothing. Harrier’s died. I just can’t believe it. we have decided to continue on. I feel that it is to honour Harrier. I hope you are doing well. We’ll be back as soon as we can.
Love, Fred.
P.S. I definitely am not planning murder. Promise. Paul says hi.
There was no lie in this, as it was Captain Ryhander who was planning the murder. He attached the rock to one of the pigeons, and it flapped away. He hoped it would find his mother.
‘So,’ Fred said, panting slightly, ‘what’s the plan?’
Chapter 10
Captain Ryhander told the plan to everyone, and they all agreed it was a good one. Fred and the others instantly set to work, getting vines, branches, and a certain tree sap. They also collected a wide wood board from the ship.
Then, they put their plan into action. Jack attached the end of his grappling hook to the mouth of the tunnel, and they slid down. Before they slid down, they poured the sap around the entryway. Fred and the Nates grabbed the branches, and formed them into a Y position, using the vines to hold the branches together. They grabbed a few more vines, and wrapped them each around the wood board. Then, they connected the ends of the vines to the tips of the branches on the Y. They, wrapped more vines to stones and the other end around their waists, and went down the tunnel, each holding a bucket and a fireswitch.
They walked down the path, going past the strange items again. Soon they popped out of the passageway into the dimly lit room. Figures were slumped around the area, some snoring, others whispering in their sleep. Fred and the others wasted no time. They ran around the entire area, splashing sap on all the walls. Massie came to another doorway, and splashed the sap around the doorway. Just as they were finishing splashing the doorways, Captain Ryhander peeled off from the rest and rushed to the table.
‘What are you doing Captain?’ Massie asked. Captain Ryhander gave no reply, but instead started feeling around the table, finally pressing down on the top. It gave a click, and the entire side of the table popped out to reveal a shining emerald. It shone so bright in the cavern, that the entire place was filled with blinding golden light. Captain Ryhander grabbed it but before he could hide it, the Gyra people started stirring from the light. A man with one eye woke first.
‘E’s got e diamond!’ he roared, ‘lets get im!’ instantly everybody in the cavern woke. The one-eyed man pointed his staff at Captain Ryhander, but before he could wave it, he rolled to one side. The power sent from the staff made a deep cavity in the wall.
‘Run!’Captain Ryhander yelled. They ran towards the exit, fireswitches in hand, and they set fire to the doorway as they went. A series of explosions resounded. Just then, Grelfandor dived through the collapsing doorway.
‘That is MY diamond, you stupid people,’ Grelfandor growled, ‘I’ve killed millions to guard that diamond, to keep it safe, and look what you’ve done. Killed my people, stolen my emerald, and you think that you will just be able to waltz away freely? Well, you’re wrong.’ Grelfandor made an eerie noise with her throat, something Fred had heard before. Instantly, 10 ballian gramhookers burst out of the ground and circled.
‘I think I’ll let my babies do my work,’ she sneered. Instantly the ballian gramhookers attacked.
Gary slammed his hammer down, but the creature he was trying to smash opened its mouth and swallowed the hammer. Gary hefted the hammer, and struggled to pull it out of the mouth of the monster. Fred ran at one of the ballian gramhookers, but it easily batted him to the ground. It reared up above him, and was about to dive at him when Captain Ryhander hooked the beast and threw him against the wall. It fell down dead.
Meanwhile, Paul and Massie were back-to-back, fighting two ballian gramhookers each. Swords in hand, they cleaved the monsters apart. There were now 5 more ballian gramhookers left. Nate 1, 2, and 3 were hopping around a two more, diving randomly at them to slash. Nate 2 had somehow gotten a chain, and was whipping it around his head.
Shirly was sprawled over Dr Barry, defending weakly against a 7th, digging daggers into its flesh. It screeched, and fell over, 17 daggers plunged into its body. Jack shot down 2 more ballian gramhookers, and they fell over Fred. Leena wrestled with the final ballian gramhooker, but was thrown off into the wall. Jack shot the final one, and it lay dead.
‘No!’ Grelfandor said, ‘I guarded that diamond too long to lose! If I can’t get it, no one can!’ she raised her staff over her head, and the ceiling started shaking. Rocks fell down, and peppered their skin. Fred groaned. They were all going to die.
Chapter 11
The entire tunnel rumbled as the crew ran away from a cackling Grelfandor. Jack grabbed Shirly as they ran. They ran past the shelves, past everything, to the slingshot. Everybody went to the inside of the slingshot except Jack and Gary. They pulled the slingshot back.
‘Ready?’ Gary yelled, ‘OK, see you on the other side!’ they launched the slingshot, and the crew shot up. Gary and Jack grabbed the gun, and retracted the line. As they were going up, a huge rock came down right in front of them.
‘No!’ Fred yelled.
They popped out of the hole, and flew through the air into the sand.
‘We need to go back for Jack and Gary Captain!’ Paul said franticly, gesturing at the hole.
‘We don’t need to do anything,’ Captain Ryhander said. He was staring at the emerald in his hand as he said this. There was a maniacal calmness in his voice, that punctuated the terror.
‘Captain?’ Massie asked.
‘Shut up, you stupid woman!’ Captain Ryhander shouted. His voice dropped again. ‘Finally, I have it. I’ve sought for you long enough, and I won’t let you get away again. These crew will have to die. They can’t tell the others.’
All of a sudden, Captain Ryhander flung out his hand with the diamond in it, and the Nates went flying into trees, each with a sickening crack.
‘For years,’ Massie went flying into the air, and landed in a tree, ‘I’ve waited patiently,’ Shirly sunk down into the sand and was buried under, ‘for this chance!’ he slammed his hand into the ground, and Dr Barry was flung into the ocean.
‘This is power beyond our reckoning!’ Captain Ryhander boomed. But something strange was happening to the captain. He was slowly glowing brighter and brighter with a gold light, and his body seemed to shrivel.
Another wave, and Leena was flung so high into the air, she became a pinprick in the sky.
‘Wait!’ Captain Ryhander suddenly yelled, ‘wait, no, I’m your friend, remember? Remember? No! don – AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Captain Ryhander glowed so brightly that Fred was temporarily blinded. When he could see again, there was nothing left of Captain Ryhander except for a pile of ashes.
‘Is he…’ Fred trailed off as he stared around. Death reigned on the beach.
‘We’re the last ones left.’ Paul said.
‘We should bury them,’ Fred whispered. They buried the bodies in the jungle. When they were finished, Fred put a piece of wood on the top of the burial ground. It read, ‘here lie the brave crew of the Valiant.’
The two brothers built a raft. It took a day, but they made it in the end. They got on the raft, and floated away, knowing they left all the brave members of the Valiant, killed by the treachery of their captain, behind, knowing they would never forget this.
A boy and a young man washed up on the shore of Danner. They were clinging onto a long piece of wood. As they lay there, on the shore, more pieces of wood washed up. They lay there for a long time.
Finally, the young man stirred.
‘Fred?’ he whispered, ‘are we back? Are we really back?’
The boy coughed, and sat up.
‘I think we are,’ he said.
‘We’re home!’ the two boys (one a young man) shouted at the same time.
The two stood up, and ran, ran past the familiar cave on the coast, past the forest, and through the cobbled streets of Danner. They rushed up to a house, and banged on the door. A woman opened the door. She opened her mouth, but stopped mid-way.
‘Terry,’ she yelled, ‘Terry, they’re back! THEY’RE BACK!!!!’
Bombs exploded around, gun shots rang in the air and smoke swirled in ugly funnels of grey. Nestled in the arms of her mum, she was blind to the world out there. The fighting society, freedom buried deep beneath the hundreds of weary and hollowed eyed citizens. A dimming spark of hope fading with every exploding shell. Two figures ran to the shore of their war-torn home, the youth, cradled in the female's arms. Scouring the shore for a makeshift boat, they chanced upon a plank of wood, curved at the edges. They placed the baby girl onto the boat, and let it float away. Tears threatened to fall over the young couple. A thunder storm of sadness passed over them. They watched it float out to the horizon, hoping for the best. Hoping for the best for their daughter.
Palm trees studded the coast of the beach and coral fringed the edge of the bay like lace on a ballroom dress. Soft icy blue eyes fluttered open and the plump pink lips widened, letting out a cry of despair. Lost and alone, she floated in circles. Her hair was tipped with blonde, short hazel waves drifting in the aquamarine water in a frenzy around her perfect face. A beautiful shade of pink creeped up into her cheeks, bringing life into the young girl. A small limp frail body lay on a piece of driftwood, miraculously floating on the waves, which were only ripples. The waves rested the beauty on the warm sand. The chosen one. Her name was Kai.
Chapter 1 - 11 years later
My toes dug into the sand, resting on my arm was my pastel orange surfboard. I stalked up the boardwalk, the worn planks almost crumbling under me, I wasn't scared. I never will be. Leaping into the thrashing waves, the shock chilled up my spine, erupting through all the bones in my body. I felt the small undertow and weak force of the current. I felt my heart balloon, the feeling of belonging. Surfacing, I pushed up through the cold grey, gasping for air. My hair clung to the sides of my face, my large hazel eyes twinkled in the sunset. Happiness overflows me. Suddenly dimming and turning downcast. I glanced back at the shore and all I saw were the smiling faces of my classmates playing volleyball on the shore. Without me.
I felt the pit of sadness grow with every burst of laughter. My legs kicked up only ripples of water, the happiness which pumped through my legs fading. How I wanted to be accepted, How I wanted to be part of their group of happiness, but I just felt everything in me belonged to the waves. To the ocean and to the sea. I wanted tomorrow to be the end, I wanted tomorrow to be a new beginning, I wanted tomorrow to be the day I set sail.
It was always my dream to explore every nook and cranny of this world, especially the depth of the ocean. The odd and wonderful creatures of the twilight zone, the lanterns and light glimmering in the gloom. The fluorescent flashes of unique coloured fish. And the gracious birds stretching their elegant wings up to the sky. I knew the risk. My life but I wanted to pursue every dream of mine and tomorrow I will capture the one closest to my heart. Discovering the deep. Exploring my home.
Shaking my head like a wet dog, I limped towards my class, half of them relaxing, gazing out at the waves. The others run laps by the side of the ocean. A whirlwind of legs paraded in front of me, sending me into a flurry of arms and legs. I face planted into the wet sand, scoring a few laughs from some of my classmates. Ash broke free from the tramp of runners, jogging towards me and then giving me a hand up. “I can stand up by myself, Ash” I snapped, sending him a glare. I kept my head down and looked at my toes. But I couldn;t help but look up. The sun glinted off his tousled dirty blonde hair, the blue eyes shining with the unexpected thrill of adventure. “Whatcha doing Kai” he said with a mischievous grin. His voice softened when he saw the bleeding cut. “Wanna talk?” Ash quietly asked. I nodded, I didn’t want to tell him. It would break his heart. I knew he secretly cared for me, like a long lost sister and like I was part of his family. I didn’t want to tell him.
So I ran, faster than the wind, faster than I’d ever run in my life and faster than I ever will. I bolted down the path, my feet being scraped raw with every step, I heard Ash call my name but I wasn't stopping. My arm sagged to one side, the weight of the board slowing me down. My breath came in raspy pants and I stumbled over a pebble. The breath was knocked out of me. I felt a warm river of liquid erupted in my mouth. Salty. Wiping my lips, a trail of red left its mark like a lifelong scar. I felt the sting of my graze slither its way through me. I collapsed on the path, pain still embedded in me.
Chapter 2
A glare of white surrounded me, white walls, white curtains, white bed sheet. Everything was white. Someone was sitting next to me, looking out of the window. I tried sitting up but a shoot of pain speared through me like an arrow. Flopping back down on to the too plush pillows I heard a voice talking to me. But my mind was somewhere else, thinking about yesterday. Something was poking me, and then the delighted voice of Ash followed. “Look she’s alive” He exclaimed. My voice was soft and croaky but I managed to respond and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. “She just rolled her eyes at me” Ash exclaimed again. “Of course I’m alive you nut head” I croaked, my voice sore after I had said it. Blue unblinking eyes stared back down at me, A smile tugged at Ash’s lips as he resisted the urge to burst out laughing. Throwing the thin blanket of my weak form with a flourish, and trying to stand up in a very uncoordinated way, I saw the deep cut slithering its way around my calf. It was like a vine wrapping its tendrils around my leg. I gasped and dramatically fell back onto the bed.
Stumbling to the door, after recovering from my faint, I saw the streams of patients flow by, nausea suddenly hitting me. Swallowing my saliva, a rush of blood exploded in my head. My brain turned to slush, I tried to regain myself. Reaching for the wall I fell, a shoulder was there to support me. “Ash,” I said blindly. Leading me through the wad of people we reached the glass sliding doors. Walking into the sunshine, the bright rays flashed in my face, opening my eyelids just a peek. I saw a sliver of the raging sea, the caps foaming white, sparkling in the sun. I felt the urge to run into the waves, kicking up the sand. How I wanted to be there, my slim shape, twisting between the currents and then surfacing to the shining light above. Riding the waves back like a pro. Doing it over and over again till I got tired. Till the sun cast its last few weak rays. I felt the ocean call me for the start of my adventure.
Chapter 3
The crumpled newspaper felt weak and thin in my hands. The caption said, The Discovery, planned to set sail on the 2nd of September. Scanning the paper the word swam before my eyes, I couldn’t believe it. Planned to explore the deep. My brain clicked, What if I can hop aboard and go with them? I felt my heartbeat pick up and my brain whirling with hundreds of ideas. What if? What if? What if?
Grabbing everything I had and stuffing it into my duffle bag, I clattered down the stairs. Reaching a certain point, I slid down the railing. The exhilarating rush left me more sure than ever. Opening the door into the world, I felt a pit of sadness slowly grow. Realising that I was leaving everything I knew behind and the only family I had. Ash’s dad and him. Stepping out into the sunshine I forced myself not to think about it. Then I heard the screech of a car, the tyres hitting the drive, a black mustang. The window rolled down, sunglasses shading her eyes, A cap with rolling stones on it and rock and roll style for the overall. I stood their gaping at her. Making mental notes, I tried to figure out who it was. She saw me staring at her, she flicked her sunglasses up, her brown eyes pierced into mine. I tried to break the look but her eyes followed every single move. An uneasy feeling crept through my bones.
“My skateboard and surfboard,” I gasped. Running back into the house and forgetting the woman, bolted up the stairs into my attic space. My eyes scanned the room. Cushion, well made bed, my surfboard and my skateboard. Running towards them I managed to get the surfboard under one arm and the skateboard under the other. I ran my fingers through the thick blotches of paint on the board I had painted. The once plain board Ash’s dad had given me for my birthday, now covered in the swirling blue of the ocean. I remembered when I painted it, 2 weeks before now, the day after my birthday. That memory felt so far away but it felt close. Close to my heart
I remember…..
“Out on the wharf, the icy blue waves lapped at the eroding, ramshackled wood, sending ripples of refreshment through me, swirling around my ankles. I heard the shouts of laughter explode in sparks, the sound of the waves trying to drown it out. My salt encrusted hair fell in waves of hazel, roaming and frolicking in the summer breeze. It swept its cool tendrils across my face. Easing some of my sorrow. But not the two which could never be healed. I felt the pain bloom across my chest, the tears I could never hold back go spilling over the brink and the sadness which I could never keep in. The sun enveloped me and I felt the last rays being cast, the warmth coursing through my veins, shining on my tan skin. Clutching my surfboard close to me, I bolted across the deck and to the shore. My feet, flicking sprays of sand everywhere. Draping my towel over my shoulders I began to start paint on my skateboard. The crashing waves capped with white and the wild creatures below. Arcing dolphins weaving between the currents, shoals of fish escaping the snapping jaws of their predators and a coast exploding with coral. Coral fringing the coast like lace on a ballgown. I painted everything I saw onto my plain wooden skateboard. Everything I knew and everything that was closest to my heart. I let the paint trickle and combine. The painting represented me. Wild and free. I looked out onto the horizon, where the sky meets the sea. Wild and still free. But different from me.”
I sat on the edge of my bed bewilderment overcoming me, I felt so dumb and stupid. Why would I leave a life like this? Where I had a home, a family, a place where I am loved. By Ash and his dad. Suddenly I heard shouts, fits banging on the table and the soft sobbing of Ash. A brawl as my teacher would call it. Creeping to the door of Ash’s room, I rested my head against the hollow wood. My hand unconsciously reached for the golden door knob. Falling through the open door, I saw an unwelcoming sight. Ash’s room had been turned upside down. I walked over to him, wincing when I stepped on random pieces of lego which were scattered all over the floor. Inviting myself to sit on his bed, I asked him what was wrong. An attempt for a soothing voice, turned into a string of gibberish. I could feel the rise and fall of his back calm down. Being replaced by the uncontrollable snorts of laughter. I turned to look at him and gave him a look.
My heart ballooned at the sight. “Mum and Dad” Ash managed to say and then shook his head. Taking his hand in mine I dragged him across the floor to the door. As soon as I rested a finger on it it burst open. Ash’s dad came stumbling in, his grey eyes flashed with fury and fright. “ Pack and go unless you want to be hurt” Ash and I stood there frozen, our feet stuck to the ground. His eyes filled with desperation. “Ash, I'll try to keep mum busy and as for you Kai….. Take Ash and go. You both don’t know what you mean to me but you need to go. Now!” With that he turned his back and stormed down the stairs. Like a beheaded chicken we ran around the room. Ash ran to gather his belongings whilst I was just getting ready to jump out of the window. With my things. Glass shattered as I turned around, my first formed, ready for the strike. The shards erupt like lava from a volcano. I clutched my hand, blood pooling in drops on the floor. Ash turned to look at me and then at the window. A smile crept onto his face. “So, another option for our escape route,” he said. I gave him a nod. Grabbing my things including the bulk of my skateboard and my surfboard, I backed until I reached the other side of the room. Taking a running leap I jumped. I felt the air rush past me and the instinct to brace against the fall.
The impact felt like a thousand bees, black and yellow, the flashing stingers piercing my skin. I curled into a ball, my grazed shins bleeding and a new gash slithering across my cheek. Standing up, my knees buckled with the weight. A wobbling shadow, balanced precariously on the brim of the window frame. Crouched and ready to jump. “No!” I shouted but it was too late. A flash of colour illuminated my sight and a shriek rang in my ears. His eyes were filled with the unexpected thrill, drinking up that shock of an adrenaline rush. A few tattered knees and a cut. We both endured the first obstacle, and still all in one piece. But still a hundred more to go.
The short blare of a horn erupted in a spark of sound. “Run” I shouted. So we ran. To the wharf, to the sea, to the new life ahead us.
Chapter 4
At the dock, waves crashed at the hulking boat. Its figure looming as high as a skyscraper, swarms of people gathering at the wharf watching it set sail. Ash and I stood at the edge calling out for it to stop. We backed away and started at a run for the closing entrance. I clutched his hand. I felt us become one, united hearts full of hope and desperation. Twisting in just through the gap, we smashed against the cold concrete deck. Our shoulders grinding against the floor. The shock left me gaping.
Two obsidian eyes stared down at us. “What are you two doing here?” A hoarse gravelly voice rumbled. “We’re running,” Ash and I said at the same time. I stifled a laugh, the guard grabbed us by the collars and dragged us to one of the cabins. The door slammed shut and we watched him go from a gap in the door, his bulky frame taking up the whole hallway. Ash and I broke into hysterical laughter. “What are we going to do?” Ash asked. I gave him a hard stare, eyeing him down.
We spent the next few hours crying with laughter, popping dance moves and telling stories. I felt happy with Ash. Lighting a candle with a match, the boat rocked, singing a soft lullaby. I felt that song attached to me. It felt like the lullaby my faraway parents would sing. Their voices are soft and entrancing, raging through my mind. My brow furrowed, trying to figure out where I had heard it. A yawn spread across my face, my eyelids slowly dropping closed. Dreams whirled in my mind, each carrying a different story. I reached out to grab one and carefully opened it.
I was brought into a world off…
Flowers crawled over the small cottage, I stood in the grass barefoot, dew drops clustering on the fresh morning grass. The water tickled my legs, taking tentative steps towards the house. My hand found the handle of the house. It creaked open, a musty stench hitting me with a full-blown punch. My eyes watered at the smell and I wrinkled my nose. Stepping in and bracing against the smell, portraits lined the walls and a face I couldn’t recognise stared at me, the electricity sizzled between the portrait and me. I felt something of a connection. A connection.
Someone was shaking me awake, concern etched across their face. Sitting up abruptly, sweat crowned my forehead, and my bed sheets were thrown all over the floor. I grabbed the handle of the cabin door and waltzed into the morning sunshine, the morning breeze pirouettes around me, sweeping a smile onto my face, the salty smell lingered with every gust of air, a thin line of land crawled closer as we sailed into the dock, city lights glimmered and people jostled at each other, elbows and legs. I glanced up at the rows of buildings, Ash and I were pushed into the flow of people, a flow of people which parted in different directions. We came across a church, It towered metres above us, the doors flew open. A woman opened the door with a flourish, her cheeks rosy with colour and flour coating her hands. With open arms she welcomed us, Ash took the lead and led me in. Lights illuminated the hall, stairs climbed up the wall to another level. I ran into the space, and spun around in circles, embracing the new home.
Night came, stars twinkled in the dark sky, office lights added to the glamour, I opened the window, my voice carried away by the wind, I sang my life story and every special memory, sweet and sad, they echoed in my mind.
My fondest memory...
Brushing my hands over the ragged barked trees, I cried out with a shout, drawing blood. My finger pulled away from the tree. Glancing at the cut an idea clicked in my mind. Fireflies and fairy lights. I smiled.
Rolled up in a bundle of lights, I waddled over to the willow tree, its tendrils leaking towards me. I balanced on the trunk and shimmied up. My toes wrapped around the small branches. Weaving a string of lights around the tree, I spent the next few hours decorating my willow tree.
They glittered in the moonlight, like a trillion fireflies about to take flight. Lifting their wings towards the sky and within a few seconds, they were gone. Up in a swirling mass of colour, fluorescent and luminescent.
Fluorescent and Luminescent.
Chapter 7
I stood at the edge of the deck, wobbling precariously on edge, the suit taking up everything, the head set crackled, telling me to get ready to plunge into the raging peaks of water. Sucking in a breath, I slammed my eyes shut and closed down the worries targeting me. And I dived. Blindly swimming towards the submarine a rush of something hit me. Something.
Darkness enveloped me, shocks of coldness electrocuted the glass. Luminescent lights lit up the murky water, fish swam in shoals and the echoes of the whales' rumbly voice thrummed through the ocean, travelling right at me. The glass was cold and fragile, vibrating with every movement. The suit, bulky and not fit for my slim shape. A looming shape rushed towards me. It’s tinted black fins, cutting the water current. Snapping jaws threw rushes of water at the glass. Throwing me back into a cave of darkness, It circled me. Danger lurked in every crevice of the ocean.
My head slammed against a barrier of coral, my frame fell, limp and weak. I felt the blood surge into my mouth, the world blurred before my eyes, my breath coming in raspy breaths. I grasped the stone that Ash had given me, my momento. Helping me persevere to the last minute. To the last second. My life was fading, flashing before my eyes.
For the last few seconds I was counting my lucky stars and thinking. About Ash. He was somewhere. Out in the world, discovering everything above, by himself. Without me and it made me feel the pain. He didn’t want to come with me and he left me to endure the pain. The pain of losing another person. First my life, then the life I knew in Portugal and now I lost Ash. My best friend and the only brother I knew. I bit my lip. It was time to pursue a new life but I could never let go of those memories. The memory of feeling loved and accepted. Never.
I gasped.
Chapter 8
Paper Cranes, hundreds, floating from the ceiling, swarming every wall, and filling the room. Every single crane had a message, a wish, from every patient. Tentatively I stepped onto the floor, cold and slippery. I took one step more than another, dancing between the fluttering flocks of birds, stretching their wings toward the sky, carrying the wishes and flying them around the world. My wish, my writing is crooked and shaky, different from the others. On a white crane, room for love and hope on it. A tear dragged itself down my cheek, and my heart sank. I fell back onto the bed.
My wish…
The world could be a better place, Ash. I hope you are building a new life and not falling to pieces like I am. You;ve always been more mature, but I love that goofy grin of yours, it lets my heart crack into a smile. A smile full of happiness and hope.
I miss you Ash and I love you
My brain was mixed up and restless, and I didn’t know where I was. But it didn’t mean I couldn’t have fun. I flung open the window, the blinds fluttering in the wind, free and wild. The wind sang an eerie song, echoing the words “Every single part of the world was meant to be discovered, by you.” Between the blinds of white I whirled up to the roof of the apartment, the stars speckled the inky night sky, lanterns illuminated every corner of the roof. Flashing soft yellow across Rockefeller square, skaters weaving shapes along the ice, a silver trail of shredded ice following. Smiling children, proud parents and a happy me.
“You’re set on a boat ready to go back to Portugal in a few month” My heart leapt at the voice of someone. Whirling around I came face to face with a woman and a sudden urge overcame me. In a second my arms were around her waist and I wrapped her in a hug. It has only been 1 day and now I am set to go home. But Ash might not be there. Ash might not be there.
Epilogue - 1 year later
I leaned out the window, the air fresh and free, catching a faceful of a salty spray. The capped waves rolled by, throngs of people crowded the beach, beach umbrellas scattered the burning sand. Towers of rocks, crawled in layers towards the sky. The blueness enveloping the white clouds and the faint outline of the crescent moon. Like a sliver arcing dolphin releasing faint flicks of water with its perfect tail. I felt happiness replacing an injured soul.
The car screeched to a stop and I stepped out. The dress swirling around my ankles, its vibrant colours shining in the sun, my sandals scraping against the ground. I slipped down to the cove, the deck, same old, ram shackled and wild. I ran my fingers across the rail, rustic and warm, leading towards the water. Still the same. Kneeling on the wood, I bent forward to run my hands through the water. The bay felt bigger than ever, the waves still able to sneak through. The water swimming in circles around my legs. The dress, soaked and wet.
Then I heard a voice, a familiar one. “Kai?” The question was left hanging in the air between me and the other person. I whipped my head around and then tears blurred my eyes. I went running, my hair flying in fiery strands, my eyes widening with disbelief. My legs pumped, my muscles rippling, the tan skin shining in the sun. “Ash, is it really you? '' I gasped. The tears fell in drops, slithering down my blushing cheeks. I was embraced with hope and love. By Ash. I felt the happiness thrum through me.
And it felt like home.
Note: Hi Alicia and Susan, My story isn't finished, as you can see between Chapter 4 and 7, at the in person meet up in the state library can I bring you my finished writing copy? Thank You guys I really enjoy YWC, right from the beginning. Thank You
"Huff puff!" breathed Luke as he tried to catch his breath. The sun blazed down on him thinking he was a nice yummy pancake to fry. His throat was stone and his feet were jelly. Luke yanked his companion, a camel named Sofia who must have weighed 10,000 kilos when he bought him. He was trying to find the emerald of liberty to save his planet from blowing up not play 'piggyback the heaviest camel.' he trudged endlessly across the plain until he found a golden gleaming chest that blinded his eyes. With strength left in his legs, he ran to the chest.
BOOM! A genie rose majestically and for a split second, Luke thought he was seeing an angel in heaven.
"I will grant 5 wishes to the owner of the chest, which is you." Boomed the genie. As he spoke he saw an immense sandstorm coming straight towards him with ferocious eyes. The sandstorm wrapped Luke like a blanket but not the cuddly soft blanket, the angry cold blanket. "Hey genie i am ready for my first wish," wailed Luke." Make me live!"
Suddenly, a clear orb formed around Luke blocking sand from entering. The orb was like an invisible shield. The sandstorm whipped the orb trying to crack it. A bunch of sand balls hit his orb and the next thing he knew, he was knocked out.
When Luke woke up he saw he was surrounded by wildlife. Toucans fluttered around miserably as hawks swooped down to devour dead prey.Luke gazed up to see a ball of fire falling to him. He stared at it really closely, it wasn't a fireball, it was a fire worm Luke tried to run but the fire worm tugged at the chest. They pulled and pulled until Luke had no power left. He saw the fire worm slither to the peak with the chest until it was a dot.
Luke wiped a tear from his eyes. He lost his only weapon. "Hey it's going to be all right,"A voice whispered silently behind him.Luke spun around to see a rabbit and a fox comforting him. "We will give you special gifts that will help you on your journey to the fire worm's castle." The fox added slyly. Surprisingly, the fox kept his word and gave him a pair of shoes. "When you want to fly, all you have to do is put on the shoes and in no time you will be touching the sky." Then the rabbit handed him a regular nike cap. "This is the cap of invisibility when you have to sneak up on someone, put it on your head and you will turn invisible. Luke thanked the animals and head off to the fire worm's castle. It was a long way up so Luke decided to use his flying shoes. When Luke reached the top, his eyes feasted on the vast kingdom. He slowly went in inspecting every inch of the palace.
Luke reached the throne room and something caught his eyes. A beautiful clear emerald was sitting on a table next to the throne. Unfortunately, fire worm guards were in every nook and cranny of the kingdom. A lightbulb went ping in his head. Luke put on his invisibility cap and sneaked up on the emerald. No one noticed when Luke stole the emerald and flew out using his flying shoes. The glamorous emerald smiled as he flew to planet Earth. The citizens of Earth gave a kiss to Luke as he placed the emerald on the core of light. Everyone was happy and piece was restored to Earth
It was the 2nd of August when Kitty met the witch. It was Kitty’s birthday and it would probably be her most miserable birthday yet, as she was now an orphan and had no family to celebrate with. And no one at the orphanage would be kind enough to make a cake for her.
She woke up that morning, excited that her birthday was here. She ran down the stairs and into the orphanage kitchens where she was greeted by a very angry cook. “What do you think you're doing here, young lady?” Kitty stared up at her, ignoring what she said and walked searching for something. The cook grabbed her by the arm, and gripped, “You are forbidden in these kitchens young lady, and what on earth are you looking for!?!!!!”
Kitty turned, realising what mistakes she’d made, “I’m sorry, it’s my birthday and I thought Mama was down here, she always is in the kitchens on my birthday. I’m turning twelve. But, oh!! I’m not at home, am I?”
The cook replied angrily, “No!” then through her out the servants door onto the street, “Happy Birthday!”
And Kitty was alone, with two grazed knees. And that’s when she spotted the house, old, grey and haunted looking. Kitty grinned, forgetting her sorrows. She trotted across the road and opened the door, it creaked. And a loud voice echoed through the house. “Who goes there?!”
“I do!” replied Kitty bravely, “and I’m not afraid!”
Kitty moved further into the house and sat by the crackling fire. She began breathing again as she relaxed into the warmth.
“BOO!” A voice from behind her cried.
Kitty screamed with fear. And a figure came out from behind the chair, a girl, about her height, with ebony-black hair and eyes and the palest skin. The girl quite reminded Kitty of Snow White. “I thought you said you weren’t afraid.” The girl teased, then put out a hand, “I’m Olive, and you’re Kitty, I presume.”
“Yes, but how do you know that?” Kitty asked, stepping farther away from this girl.
“I’m a witch.” The girl said. Kitty screamed again. And the witch just laughed. “Do you like adventure?”
Kitty nodded weakly. She loved adventure. The witch smiled, “Alright then, pack your bags and come back tomorrow.”
Kitty returned the next day, the day she set out on her adventure. She knocked three times on Olive’s door, everyone staring at her with great confusion as they passed, they obviously all believed that the house was abandoned.
After about 6 more knocks and ten trillion more confused looks, Kitty began to become impatient. The witch had told her never to enter the house again without permission or else, and she didn’t want to know what “or else” was. “Olive!” She hissed through the keyhole, “People are staring!” No one responded.
Kitty shrank into the corner, hoping that sometime soon Olive would open the door and let her in. Then, 10 minutes later, an old woman stumbled through the crowd. She walked up to the door, then, noticing Kitty moping in the corner, “Come in.” Kitty was startled, Olive had never mentioned anything about someone else living in the house. Yet the woman looked quite a bit like her, so Kitty thought that she must be her grandmother. She nodded and followed the old woman in.
“You know, it’s quite funny how Olive never told me about having a grandmother living with her.” Kitty said as she sat down by the crackling fire. The old woman looked quite offended, and as she shouted her reply, she became younger, “I have no such Grandmother, why on Earth would you think that!”
Suddenly instead of a wrinkly old woman standing in front of her, the witch, Olive stood there completely utterly horrified. “Oh! It was you!” Kitty exclaimed, clearly shocked.
“Alright, Katie, or - whatever your name is, I don’t really care,” Then Olive took out what looked like an old stick and waved it about.
“My name’s Kitty. Is that a wand?!” Kitty asked, would she actually get to see a real witch using a real magic wand. But instead of seeing magic sparks come out of the wand, all she saw was Olive laughing her heart out. The witch was rolling on the floor by the time she could speak again, “You think this is a wand! Oh my, what things humans come up with! Witches don’t use wands, Silly!”
Kitty stared at Olive in disbelief, if there was no such thing as wands, then what was the thing she was holding in her hand. “Then what’s that then!” Kitty shouted pointing at the stick.
Olive laughed again, “It’s just a stick I found on the way here.”
Kitty nodded. Then Olive spoke again, “Alright so you're going on a mission for me, right? And what mission was that? Oh, yes! This will be fun. Here’s a bag, here's food and here's a warm jumper. Alright, Bye, Have fun!” The witch pushed Kitty out the door.
It was almost closed when Kitty turned around, “Wait! Where am I meant to be going!!” Olive’s face poked out the door, and the witch handed her a yellow train ticket, “North!” Then she was gone.
Gone. Without even saying a word about what she was meant to be doing, and how on Earth would Kitty be able to know which way was north.
Kitty trudged back to the orphanage, she couldn’t go on this adventure if she didn’t know what she was doing. But then Olive would probably turn her into a frog of something. She had to do it, she had to.
She thanked the train driver and stepped into the train station. Now all she needed to do was to go North.
Kitty thought for a moment, all she had was a magnet from the train, a jumper and food. And none of those could help her, they were all useless objects, or were they. Then a memory blossomed in Kitty’s mind, “The Magnet!” she cried, to no one in particular. Magnets, She thought, They always point to which way is north. It was a scientific breakthrough, well, for Kitty at least. She’d never paid attention to anything her science teacher had told her when she went to school, and back then she never thought that it would help her, well, it did. “Thank you, Mr Spencer, I’m sorry I never really paid attention to anything in science.” Kitty whispered under her breath.
Then Kitty placed the magnet on the concrete train station, it turned several times, trying to figure out which way was North. Then it stopped, and Kitty stood up, staring in the direction that the magnet was pointing at, and this is what she saw:
Snow, white, cold, empty snow. There were mountains too, tall, white, lonely mountains, “No,” She said to herself in disbelief, “No, Olive can’t have thought me to go there, just No.” Kitty turned and headed back to where the train had dropped her off. But there was no train to be seen. She staggered over to the bench and lay there, crying her heart out, “Mama! Papa!” she cried, but her dead parents couldn’t help her now.
After a while, Kitty was sleeping soundly, dreaming of her old life, where she was happy. She slept through the night, through the rain and snow, through the train arriving, through the loud sobs of a child. She only woke when the child's tears stopped.
She sat up, and wiped her own tears away, and there sitting on the edge of the concrete dangling their legs over the edge was a small girl, with dark-blonde hair and a small suitcase. “H-hello?” Kitty stuttered, nearing the little girl. “H-hi.” The girl stuttered back, turning to face Kitty, her piercing blue eyes full of sorrow.
“What is your name? Mine’s Kitty.” Kitty asked, sitting down next to the girl. The girl turned to look at Kitty once again, “M-my name is Jana”
“Why are you here? Where are your parents?” Kitty asked, looking around searching for Jana’s family. Jana’s eyes began to flood and she leaned into Kitty, burying her face in Kitty’s cardigan, “I don’t have parents, they died 2 years ago. I’ve been hiding out behind a bakery for years, but the baker found me and sent me here!” Jana cried, sobbing loudly into Kitty’s cardigan.
“There, there, it’s alright, you can stay with me, but - but first I have to complete a mission. Would you like to come with me?” Kitty put her arms around the child, hoping to comfort her. Jana’s little head nodded, “Will you be my Mama?” she asked hopefully. Kitty smiled and nodded back. “Let’s go.” And the two girls stepped into the crackly snow.
The two had talked all day, Jana was quite the talker, she told Kitty about her pets and her humongous family tree. Until the sun began to set and Kitty had to stop her, “Jana, why don’t we find a place to stay tonight, Yes?” Jana nodded. Then pointed at the closest mountain and happily said, “Can we sleep there?”
Kitty almost fainted when she saw the cave. What if there was a bear in there, or bat’s, anything would be better than bats, but she had to agree, there were no other caves anywhere nearby. “Can you climb?” Kitty asked, looking down at the 7-year old. She nodded. And they began to climb, slipping at any movement they made, but finally they reached the cave, and lucky for them, it was bear free.
Kitty laid out the soft blanket she’d taken from the orphanage, and the thin pillow. Then she searched around for sticks and once they’d been found, she lit a fire, as her dad had taught her when she was five. Then she took out the food. One cheese and jam sandwich, Kitty ripped it in half and gave the bigger half to Jana. They both ate hungrily and then they tucked themselves into bed while Jana sang one of her favorite lullabies,
“Now the day is over,
Night is drawing nigh,
Shadows of the evening,
Steal across the sky.
Now the darkness gathers,
Stars begins to peep,
Birds and beasts and flowers
Soon will be asleep.”
Jana didn’t wake the next morning, her cheeks were flushed, and her forehead was literally on fire. “Jana,” Kitty shook her, “Jana, please wake up.”
Tears rolled down Kitty’s face, “Jana, please.”
Jana’s eyes fluttered but didn’t open, “K-kitty. I-I want t-to go home.”
Kitty smiled, and sighed with relief, tears in her eyes, “Oh, Jana.”
Jana slept half that day, when she spoke her voice was a whisper, but she would get better, at least that was what Kitty told herself. Jana needed warmth to get better, but the sticks and twigs were running out and there was nothing to block the icy wind from venturing into the cave.
Jana wasn’t getting better.
Kitty stayed though, she had to, she couldn’t leave a sick seven-year-old all alone in a white mountainous nowhere. She had to stay, she had to betray the witch. And she would never forgive herself.
That night as Jana slept soundly on the stone ground of the cave, Kitty sent a letter to Olive in her mind, Dear Olive, I am sorry. But I cannot go on. Jana has fallen ill and she certainly can’t continue, I know I have to continue, but Jana needs me. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I will return to the orphanage and will not bother you any more. From Kitty
Then she slept, dreaming about the horrid punishment she’d get when she returned, if she ever returned.
The next morning, Olive woke, she’d received a letter that night in her sleep, one from Kitty, the girl she’d sent on her mission, the mission to find her sister, who was trapped somewhere in this world, hidden by a family, her sister, Jana.
“Jana!” She exclaimed, “She’s alive! Oh, Kitty thankyou!” But Kitty couldn’t hear her, as she was shivering in a cave 10,000 miles away.
Jana didn’t wake. Her eyes were frozen shut, her breath was shallow, she was cold.
Kitty had nothing. She couldn’t make a fire, there was nothing to burn, nothing at all. She had already lost her backpack in the flames, her shoes and cardigan, she was freezing.
“Jana, I’m sorry.” She whispered, her throat stinging from the icy cold.
Jana shook her head, but her eyes didn’t open, she had no energy to open them.
Kitty began talking, “The truth is, Jana. I don’t know what I’m meant to be doing. I mean, Olive never told me, she just said to go north.”
She was interrupted by a hoarse squeaky voice, “Olive.” it whispered.
“Yeah, she’s a witch. I failed though, so she’s probably gonna turn me into a frog when I return.”
“Olive.” Jana said again, “My big sister.”
Kitty froze in shock and coldness, “What!!!”
She thought for ten seconds, if Olive was Jana’s sister, and Olive was a witch, Jana could save them. But why hadn’t she yet.
“You’re a witch.”
Jana shook her head tiredly, “No. She took magic. Killed Ma and Pa. She's evil.”
Kitty stayed frozen in the corner, for two reasons, one, she had trusted a witch, a witch that had killed her own parents, a witch that had taken her sisters magic, a witch who definitely couldn’t be trusted, two, she couldn't move. “We’re not going home.”
Kitty coughed, and fell to the floor.
Jana opened her icy eyes, “Kitty,” She whispered hoarsely, “Thank you.” Then she was gone.
A tear dripped down Kitty’s cheek, it froze against her. “Your Welcome.” She coughed again, then everything disappeared, the cave, the orphanage, Olive, her life. She was gone, following Jana to the end.
NOTE: Sorry. I posted the wrong file. The other one was just a rough draft. This is the real, edited one.
In 1967, the first satellite was launched into orbit of the earth. It then took the first picture of the world. The picture became ridiculously famous, and by the next year, almost everyone on earth knew about it. It continued to fly around the earth, snapping pictures wherever it went. But one day, somebody noticed something. Around a certain area of the Atlantic ocean was a group of middle-sized islands. But not just any area of the Atlantic ocean. The Bermuda Triangle.
The government decided to send a team of scientists, explorers, and military personnel to the islands to explore and discover them. What they did not know was that only a small lucky handful would return alive…
Andrew Ospengance frowned as he looked at the parcel at the door. It was from the government. He took it inside and opened it. The parcel contained something that looked like a walkie-talkie or a radio. There was also a crumpled note enclosed.
This audio recorder was found floating in a sealed container in the northern Atlantic ocean. We think it’s from your daughter. She must have sent it from the Island of Bermuda. Nobody knows about the island yet-it’s meant to be top secret. When we tried to link it up to a computer, we couldn’t figure out the passcode… But we thought you could. Kelly was your daughter after all.
Johnathon Meddle
Hmm, thought Andrew. Johnathon. The guy who had supposedly rescued him from a monster infested island. When he said he couldn’t remember anything, they said he must have amnesia. They had told him that story hundreds of times.
He didn’t believe a word.
They even told him that his daughter had been left behind on the monster island.
What rubbish. He didn’t have a daughter.
But he always felt like a part of his life was missing. When he was either burying himself in chip crumbs in front of the TV, trying to go to sleep, or having a lonely, solitary dinner, he had this strange nagging feeling of loss and sadness, like a dull ache deep in his body that he could never reach.
But now the government had come up with solid proof for their crazy stories. He rushed over to his computer with the audio recorder and plugged it in. He had no idea what the passcode was meant to be, so he put in his own passcode that he usually used.
Surprisingly, it worked.
The passcode was cracked, and he pressed play on the audio.
Then, a 13-year old girl’s voice rang out. Andrew froze.
He felt a small spark of recognition tingle in his brain.
“This audio thing is for my dad, Andrew Ospengance. If you government people are watching, erm, *cough* I mean, listening to this tape, then give it to my father first. It’s for him more than anyone else.”
There was a pause.
“Hey dad. I know you’re probably wondering what the heck happened, after your daughter disappeared. And I hope you’re alright with the amnesia and everything.
But here’s the story of what really happened.
The answer to all your questions.”
Andrew gasped and sunk back in his chair as his daughter continued talking.
Chapter 1
Andrew Ospengance sighed as he turned the key in the doorknob. How would he explain this to her? The second business trip this month. She would not be happy.
Andrew heard the lock click and pushed the door open.
“Kelly? I’m home!” He called as he kicked off his shoes.
“So you are now?” Kelly called back.
“I’ve been waiting for ages. What kept you away?”
Andrew breathed into his hand and sniffed his breath to make sure it wouldn’t… give anything away.
“Umm, traffic jam.” He said quickly.
Too quickly.
Kelly from the other room laughed. Even though it was a sign that she didn’t believe him, it still made him smile.
“That is such a heap of steaming cowpat. What were you really doing, Dad?”
Andrew began knotting his fingers. He knew he was on a diet, but he couldn’t help himself…
“I told you, I was in a traffic jam.”
Kelly poked her head out of the kitchen and down the hallway to where her father was standing. She was 13 years old, but could already cook and clean and do things for herself all day while her father was at work. She had dark skin, but bright green eyes, that seemed to twinkle whenever she smiled. She took one look at Andrew and burst into peals of laughter.
“What?” Andrew asked.
“G… g… g…” She could hardly say it, she was laughing so much.
“Go look in the mirror!” She squeezed out before laughing again.
So Andrew did.
His skin, unlike his daughter, was fair, and he had messy, raven hair. But smeared around his mouth was the brown, sweet truth of what he had been doing.
Eating chocolate.
He had just began to lick it off when Kelly had appeared to snatch another look. She was happy, but Andrew wasn’t. Not because of her laughing. Whenever she was happy, he was happy. But this was different.
He sighed and turned around. He had to tell Kelly now.
“Kelly…” He said.
“Hmm? What?” She replied.
Andrew sighed.
“I have to go…on another business trip.”
Kelly’s playful smile slowly disappeared.
It was replaced with such a stare that it could have sliced through solid metal.
“Good for you.” She said.
She spun on her heels and retreated to the kitchen to continue cooking dinner.
About 30 minutes later, while the two were having dinner, Kelly spoke up.
“So. Tell me about this new fangled business trip.” She said.
Andrew thought back to what his boss told him when he saw the flyer looking for volunteers. “Look, Andy!” He had cried, waving his arms around energetically.
“The government wants volunteer scientists to go explore these islands in the North Atlantic! I reckon that would be an adventure for you!”
So Andrew signed up for the trip, and now it was official.
He was going.
When Andrew told this to Kelly, she put down her sausage and thought for a moment.
“I’ll come with you.”
Andrew scoffed.
“No. Kelly, you can’t come. It’s too dangerous. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Kelly shook her head.
“Nothing you say will make me stay here.”
Andrew sighed and looked at his watch. 9:26pm.
“I’m going to bed.” He said, standing up.
Kelly was incredulous.
“At this early hour?! Dad, you normally fall asleep at midnight in front of the TV amidst a snowstorm of chip crumbs!”
“Well, I’m waking up super early tomorrow, so I can get ready and go.”
“Oh. OK. Well, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, my heart.”
At 6:50 in the morning, Andrew stumbled bleary-eyed into the military facility, searching for somebody named “Wanda Wye.” His daughter, Kelly, was tagging along just to see her father leave.
“Kelly!” Hissed Andrew for the 50th time as his daughter touched one of the many things in the facility.
“Wot?” Asked Kelly without turning around.
“Stop touching everything! It’s this thing you’ve got! You see something poking out of a wall. You touch it. You see something interesting on the ground. You touch it!! Stop it!”
Kelly shook her head and rolled her eyes.
Eventually, Andrew found the person he was looking for.
Wanda Wye had short, blonde hair, pinkish-red glasses and a lab coat that stretched down to her knees, and was clutching a clipboard as if her life depended on it.
“Oh!” She said on seeing Andrew.
While her dad was talking to Wanda about something to do with leaving soon, Kelly decided to explore.
The place was almost entirely made of metal; and it looked quite old and weathered. There were lots of different vehicles. They all had the classic military camouflage pattern, and there were soldiers marching around with their legs flying all over the place with every step. Kelly couldn’t help but giggle at them. Even some of the most serious, no-nonsense people in the world could still look stupid.
Kelly hopped into a very long military vehicle. It was like a bus-but had tools and weaponry that you would definitely not find on a normal bus. She walked deeper in the vehicle.
Suddenly, she heard a soldier’s voice from outside.
“That door’s open!”
Said the voice.
Another voice spoke.
“So what? It’s meant to be open! It literally has a sign on it that says, “Please keep this door open!””
Kelly heard a dull whack. Probably a hand connecting with the back of someone’s head.
“Not that one, Nigel! That one! The door to the troop carrier!”
“Oh. Ok. Yes. It’s an open door. What about it?”
There was an irritated groan.
“Close it!”
Kelly heard footsteps approaching the vehicle, and then the door was slammed shut, and Kelly was plunged into blackness.
Chapter 2
Andrew Ospengance looked over the edge of the ship. It was partly cloudy, and the sea was a dark navy blue, and the water around frothed as the ship cut through the choppy waves.
This is what Andrew had been doing for the past few hours, other than eating or playing on his phone.
He slowly walked over to the bow. The island they had been looking for had came in sight, and they were quite close. He could hear some of the crew muttering something about setting down the anchor soon. Suddenly, a loud rumbling made Andrew jump. Something wet fell on his head. He looked up. The sky had been blanketed with dark clouds, almost mirroring the ocean beneath it.
Rain began to trickle down from the sky. The droplets landed on the metal ship with a TONK.
As the TONKing grew louder and more intense, people ducked and ran for cover. Andrew slowly walked after everyone else. Rain didn’t bother him that much. He was already quite damp from the sea spray, so it didn’t really matter.
But then, the ship jolted with such force that Andrew fell over. Everyone who was running for cover suddenly stopped and looked around while making confused noises.
The ship was bumped again and the stone-faced, completely motionless soldiers fell on their bums. As they had been given orders not to move, they weren’t sure if that meant don’t move unless the ship gets jostled so much you fall over and you have to get back up, or don’t move at all.
If they weren’t supposed to move at all, they had all just disobeyed a direct order.
Everyone broke into a nervous chatter. Why was the ship bumping so violently? Had they hit a rock? Were they all going to sink?
Just then, a giant creature erupted out of the water. It was a bit like a dark blue, more streamlined crocodile with flippers. It flew over the boat, the people on it watching in terror with their mouths agape.
The giant creature splashed down on the other side of the ship, creating such a splash that everyone on board was drenched.
There was silence for a moment.
Then screaming.
People ran around crazily, shouting and yelling their heads off, waving their arms everywhere, occasionally hitting other people and making them scream even more.
The jaws of the enormous sea monster exploded out of the water and clamped down onto the side of the ship. The people on board threw themselves to the other side of the ship, screaming their lungs out. The creature flicked its head and tore out a huge chunk of the ship.
The sea monster descended back into the depths of the ocean.
Now there was a massive hole in the ship, and it was rapidly sinking.
A giant tail flew out of the water. It leaned dramatically to the left, and gave the ship an almighty WHACK!!
Andrew fell backwards and hit his head on something hard, and then everything went black.
Chapter 3
Andrew heard voices. Strange, faint, disoriented voices. His eyelids fluttered and flickered. He groaned. Wanda Wye was leaning over him. “Andrew? Andrew. You awake?”
Her glasses fell of her nose and hit Andrew in the face.
“Ow!” Mumbled Andrew as he sat up slowly, rubbing the back of his head.
“Alright. Good. You’re awake.” Said Wanda, standing back up.
She helped Andrew back onto his feet, who began to survey the scene around him.
They were on a sunny beach. The ship had made it ashore before it sank and carried its passengers just a few more hundred meters to the shore, which was good.
It looked like somebody had pushed it up onto the beach, and was now stuck there, and had quite a few bite marks and holes in it.
On the beach, there were many survivors. All but a few had survived, and were now either standing to attention, lying down, moping around, eating, or throwing up saltwater.
Andrew could only spot a handful of vehicles. The others must have all sank to the bottom of the sea or gotten eaten by the sea monster.
Everyone looked completely soaked with water, along with all the vehicles and the ship. If everything was wet, that meant all the radios and communications were dead, so they couldn’t call for help.
The beach actually looked quite attractive, like a sunny, tropical beach should, but behind it, inland, there was a dark, dense forest. It looked quite menacing. The giant leaves and vines and trees looked like they could hide an elephant.
“Alright, men! Barked an offical looking high-ranked soldier. A commander. He was a bit short, and had a lumpy, pink nose.
“We have laid explosives in the jungle. We will detonate them and blow the forest apart to drive out any nasty beasties, as well as clearing an easy path for us all. And if anything dangerous appears, we are going to BLOW IT UP!!”
The crazy man spat.
He began punching the air.
“Blow it up! Blow it up! Blow it up!” He chanted.
Eventually, the other soldiers joined in.
“Blow it up! Blow it up! Blow it up!” They all bellowed, waving their arms around and marching into the forest.
Andrew sighed and shook his head.
“This plan is doomed to fail.” He said.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Muttered Wanda beside him as the soldiers detonated the first bomb, blowing the first part of the forest apart, and began complaining that the bombs were making them deaf.
Andrew and Wanda jumped and they heard gunshots.
A loud, menacing roar rang out, seemingly filling the entire island.
The ground began to shake as terrible, thundering footsteps approached. A few soldiers burst out of the tree line, taking random shots with their rifles and yelling in fright.
A few seconds later, a massive creature burst from the trees. It was a scaly green monster, with a brightly coloured face a bit like a mandril. It was quadrupedal, with its front arms and hands much bigger that its legs, a bit like a gorilla, and had its razor-sharp teeth bared in rage. Its behaviour and appearance slightly resembled that of a very angry gorilla, but there was no mistaking this creature for an ape. Just on all fours, it was about 7 meters tall, and it had mid-green scales, and a sharp horn on its head, which it seemed to be using as a machete and a battering ram.
It simply plucked the soldier off the beach with its mouth, not even stopping, and swallowed the soldier whole. Wanda gasped as Andrew grabbed her and they bolted, through the foliage they ran, occasionally nicking themselves on a sharp leaf or stick. A few other people running from the monster joined with Andrew and Wanda, and soon they were all standing breathless in a clearing of the forest. Just a few meters away from them was a massive gouge in the earths crust. A ravine. There were a bunch of long, thick vines hanging down above the layer of thick mist that was obscuring the ground.
Andrew flopped down.
“Thank god.” He breathed.
“I think we lost it.”
An earsplitting, ferocious roar only a few meters away from him begged to differ.
Chapter 4
All heads turned quickly towards the source of the sound. It was the creature from before. Its gums were bared and it was growling viciously. It opened its mouth and its lower jaw widened, revealing a mouth crammed with teeth. Andrew’s stomach lurched when he spotted what little remained of the creature’s victims stuck between its teeth.
Suddenly, something crashed through the trees, making a loud noise. It was a military truck! The creature barely had time to finish its comical double-take when the front of the truck slammed into the creature, sending it hurtling into the ravine. It roared with fury as it fell. It crashed through the vines, until eventually it got so tangled it stopped falling. It wriggled and kicked and roared, but it couldn’t get free.
The door of the truck opened and Andrew went over.
“Thank you. You saved our li-“
“You’re welcome, Dad. Don’t mention it.”
Said Kelly Ospengance.
Andrew stood there staring at his daughter with his eyes wide. He rubbed his eyes and blinked, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Kelly?!” He panted finally.
Kelly put her hands on her hips.
“Kelly what are you doing here!? You are in so much trouble young lady!” He yelled, shaking his hand with every word he said.
Kelly crossed her arms. “Don’t call me “young lady”, dad. I may be one, but I do not appreciate your tone.”
“This is your daughter?!” Asked Wanda, incredulous.
“Yes, yes she is.” Andrew replied, brushing her off.
Wanda still had “what the heck” written all over her face.
“She shouldn’t be here.”
Andrew shook his head.
“Dang right she shouldn’t be here!”
He said angrily.
Wanda opened her mouth to say something else, but then a twig snapped audibly. Everybody jumped.
“What…was…that?” Somebody asked.
The foliage rustled, and they could hear footsteps coming.
The soldiers had their guns up and ready to shoot whatever emerged from the bushes.
Just then the leaves were pulled aside to reveal…
A human.
He stopped and looked at our terrified faces in confusion.
“All right?” He said in perfect English.
Chapter 5
Nobody said anything. They just stared in amazement at the person. He was a native person of the island.
He definitely wasn’t one of them, as he had a completely different skin colour. He wasn’t black, like most of the other native people of the world; he had sort of a… green tinge to him.
He was wearing a dark green shirt with leaves stuck on it, and brown pants with no knees and had a ring of decorative leaves around the leg holes. The clothes seemed to shimmer as he moved. Camouflage. He also had a tattered, red headband tied around his forehead.
Andrew stepped forward.
“Ummmm… Hi. Me,” He said, pointing to himself,
“Andrew. An-dr-ew.” He pointed back at the native man.
“You?” The man looked confused. “Can you speak English?” He said. Andrew, and everyone else looked shocked. “You speak English?” He asked, surprised.
Now the man just looked confused. “Okay.” He said.
“I asked you, “Can you speak English.” And, you responded to me, in english, asking me if I spoke english.” He spread out his arms. “So… I guess we both speak english.” He looked across at the group of strangers. They were just staring at him, mouths open, in amazement.
Just then, Kelly spoke up from the people and strode confidently over to the man. “My name is Kelly Ospengance.” She said, shaking the man’s calloused hand. “And we all speak english.”
The man nodded. “Good, good.” He said.
“My name is Guashino. Welcome to our island.”
Kelly opened her mouth to say something else, but then somebody burst through the trees, making everyone jump.
“Aargh!! Huff, puff, huh, puff.” He huffed.
He was a short, squat figure with a ruddy nose and a long moustache that connected with his sideburns. He was dressed in a military uniform, with medals plastered all over his chest, holding a big rifle. He looked like the
He kept panting. It seemed he was running for a long time, as he was so breathless he couldn’t talk.
“I’ve… got a… a… sti…a… stitch!” He wheezed.
“Are you alright, sir?” Said one of the soldiers.
“Yes, yes, i’m fi… fine.”
The moustache guy batted the soldier’s hand away from him. He got up and surveyed the group, as if sizing them up. Then he noticed the green local staring at him. He yelped, as if he was stung by a bee and pointing his rifle square at the Guashino’s chest. Guashino obviously did not appreciate this gesture at all, and he suddenly whipped out a decorated bow and arrow in less than half a second.
Both stared eachother down, weapons pointed at the ready.
Andrew stepped between them.
“Woah, woah, woah. Break it up, guys.” Guashino lowered his bow slightly, but kept his eyes on the soldier.
“Who is this green idiot?” He growled at one of his soldiers.
The soldier spoke hesitantly.
“Sir. Commander. This is Guashino. He is a local native person that lives here. When we met him, he came in peace. He poses no threat. His bow is no match for our guns…” His voice trailed off as Guashino gave him the most withering look that a human face was capable of.
The General lowered his rifle. “Guashino.” He scoffed.
“What a stupid name.” Then he sniffed in a sort of cross, arrogant way.
The native man and the military commander had only exchanged a few words, and already clearly disliked eachother.
The commander turned to the soldiers.
“Right men.” He barked.
“We are now stuck on this island. We must find the survivors, and make sure we survive as well.” He clicked his fingers at Guashino.
“And we will use the natives as tools to help us survive.
And…” He said, his face darkening with anger. His voice raised into a shout.
Suddenly, there were a series of roars coming from the ravine. Everyone rushed over to the ravine and looked down.
The creature, the one the commander was talking about, was having a blast. It was swinging and jumping from vine to vine, roaring and whooping in delight. It had evidently forgotten about its lost meal.
Guashino smiled.
“Aww. Look at that.” He cooed.
“Taushenjoonga is having a blast.”
Everyone looked at Guashino with bemused looks.
Before they could say anything, the commander yelled.
He fumbled in his pockets for a moment and pulled out grenade. He was just about to pull the pin, when…
As quick as lightning, Guashino reached into his quiver of arrows and pulled out a different arrow, a blue one.
He took aim and fired and the commander. The arrow streaked through the air, eventually finding its mark, diving into the commander’s leg.
The commander suddenly stopped everything. He stopped yelling and his facial muscles relaxed, and he dropped the grenade. It fell down harmlessly into the ravine without exploding. Before the commander could follow, Guashino lunged forward and grabbed the commander, and hauled him back onto the ground. He laid the commander down, and delicately pulled out the arrow.
Instantly, the soldiers all pulled out their rifles and pointed them at Guashino.
Guashino remained relaxed.
“Actually,” He began,
“I saved your leader. That silly little exploding object was just going to anger Taushenjoonga, and he would leapt up here in seconds and then eaten everyone. I temporarily put your commander to sleep to stop him doing so. When he wakes up, he will be much calmer.”
The soldiers looked at eachother. The crazy green guy had a point. They lowered their guns and regarded him with suspicion.
“But why save the creature? It attacked us. It even ate some of us.”
Guashino fixed the soldier with a look.
“Excuse me, but if a bunch of crazy weirdos march into your house, yell at the top of their lungs about killing things, and then begin to drop bombs on it, you have no choice but to retaliate. Especially if you’re a wild animal.”
He looked at the soldiers with one eyebrow raised. It was clear that he knew there were no comebacks to that.
And there weren’t.
“Right.” Said Guashino, hoisting the disgruntled commander over his shoulder,
“Follow me. I’ll take you back to camp.”
Everyone stood up and followed.
“Camp?” Asked Andrew Ospengance.
Chapter 6
“Here we are!” Exclaimed Guashino as the group came to a wall. The wall was about 3 meters tall, and made out of natural-looking bricks, and were decorated with natural paint. On the top of the wall were a few wooden spears. Wanda Wye, however, was more interested in lingering at the back of the group trying to pick as many plant samples as she could. She saw an interesting leaf float down from the tree canopy. She bumbled over to it, rustling in the ferns, trying to find it. She didn’t.
“Never mind.” She muttered to herself.
“I can get a fresh one from the tree it fell from.”
She straightened and looked up.
A pair of yellow eyes were staring back at her.
She opened her mouth to yell, but she couldn’t talk. Blood flowed to her legs to turn and run. But she couldn’t run. She was frozen in fear. The yellow eyes drifted down from the canopy. The owner of them was a giant snake, which had scales that were a primary colour of muddy-dark green, and a diamond shaped dark yellow pattern running across its back. It descended from the tree. Its body arched and moved but her eyes stayed locked with Wanda’s. It flickered its tongue.
“Pollyanna!” Came a call.
The giant snake’s eyes flicked over to Guashino, who smiled broadly, approached and patted the snake on its head. It tilted its head and almost seemed to purr.
“Everybody, meet Pollyanna. Sorry if she gave you a scare, Wanda. She’s just a bit curious.”
He rubbed Pollyanna on the cheek.
“Anybody want a pat?” He asked.
Everyone took a step back, except Kelly, who smiled broadly and marched confidently over to Pollyanna.
“Oh, no you don’t.” Growled Andrew through gritted teeth as he pulled his daughter back.
When Pollyanna had slithered off, they continued walking along the wall until they came to a large decretive arch. It was covered with banana leaves.
“Welcome to home.”
Said Guashino as he pushed the leaves aside.
Inside the wall was a very small village. There were several houses made out of wood, and Andrew could have sworn that there were these huge bones making the skeleton of the structure. (Hahahahaha. Get it?)
They had no doors, instead having those banana leaves.
In the corner, there was a large pond. It had several lily pads floating on the surface, as well as a carpet of duck weed. There was a big log in the middle, completely covered in moss.
But the most striking things were the giant, vivid green frogs swimming and splashing about.
They were like green tree frogs, except they had a low, long red dorsal fin flowing down their backs, a stumpy little tail, and a strange little bulb on their heads. The bulb glowed a warm yellow colour. The creatures came about knee height to Kelly. Guashino noticed everyone’s eyes bulging out of their heads as they watched, and chuckled.
“Oh, you’ll love these cuties. These guys are a special type of giant frog. We call them Bulbits. They usually live here in the shallows, just hanging about, but when they go to hunt they dive down into these underwater caves. They catch fish by attracting them with their glowing bulbs.” He began pointing at them one by one. “This one’s called Frank, He’s called Nigel, and she’s called Sonja.”
The Bulbits all perked up and looked to Guashino when their names were called out.
“Everybody else,” Guashino continued,
“Just left to go hunting in the caves. These guys didn’t go because they’re a bit young. The others will probably surface in about half an hour.”
Kelly thought they were cool.
“Cool!” She said.
She crept up to one.
“Hello little cutie.” She said in a baby voice.
The Bulbit, Nigel, turned and edged towards her.
“Kelly.” Said Andrew in a warning voice.
“I don’t think we should touch it.”
Being a classic 13 year old girl, Kelly chose to ignore him.
“Do you want a pat?” She asked.
Nigel did want a pat. He slowly waddled over.
Kelly scratched him under the chin. Nigel closed his eyes and his stumpy tail wiggled.
Kelly reached up to pat him on the head.
“There. Aren’t you a cutie. What a funny little thing you have on your head-“
Nigel’s eyes snapped open, and he opened his mouth wide, revealing a terrifying set of needle-like teeth. He lunged forward, hissing loudly.
Kelly yelped, quickly jumped away from the now nasty Nigel.
Guashino chuckled. “Don’t worry. He didn’t mean to hurt you,” He said, scratching the now nice Nigel on the chin.
“It’s just that when something touches a Bulbit’s bulb, it will lash out, as the bulbs are very sensitive, and used to attract prey. So if you are attracted by it, the Bulbit sees you as prey.”
Everybody in the surrounding area shuddered.
Suddenly, the snoring commander’s eyes smacked open, and wobbled around wildly.
He did not appreciate being slung over Guashino’s shoulder, and started kicking and yelling.
“Stupid native idiot!” He yelled.
“Put me down, you green Gumby!”
Guashino immediately let go of the commander, sending him falling flat on his face.
Andrew smothered a grin.
“Where the ruddy hell am I?” He bellowed, looking around.
“This is my village.” He said.
He swivelled around and noticed the Bulbits.
“And what are these disgusting things?!”
Guashino frowned.
“This is Frank, Nigel and Sonja, mind you, and they are not disgusting things.” He growled.
The commander shook his head in disgust, muttering something under his breath.
Wanda tapped Guashino on the shoulder.
“Excuse me for asking, but…” She hesitated.
“Where did you learn to speak English?”
Guashino laughed.
“A few decades ago, these three strangers came to the island. They had these flying metal birds called planes. Anyway, they stayed here, probably because they were stuck, and they taught us English.”
They must be some of the people that disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle! Thought Andrew.
“I see.” Said Wanda, as she made a note of this in her notepad.
Kelly asked something.
“How many people live here?” She asked.
Guashino thought for a moment.
“I would say nearly about fifty.”
“Fifty?!” Asked Kelly incredulous. “Fifty people live in four houses?!”
Andrew stepped in front of Kelly with a weak smile.
“Sorry for my daughter’s rudeness. It’s just that she’s 13 and she’s so stubborn-“
“No, no, it’s perfectly alright.” Interrupted Guashino.
“Fifty people live in fifty houses.”
Kelly shoved Andrew out of the way.
“But where are the extra 46 houses?”
Guashino smiled and pointed upwards.
Everyone looked and gasped. Around 10 meters above their heads, an intricate network of bridges and swing vines connected around 46 houses. A few people were gathered on the bridges, looking down upon the newcomers with curiosity.
“Everyone lives up there so we can be safe from predators. These buildings on the ground are warehouses and shops, and because they were so big they were too heavy to build up there.” Explained Guashino.
The grumpy commander sneered.
“This will be easy.” He muttered.
“What was that?” Hissed Guashino.
“Oh, nothing.” Said the grumpy commander innocently.
“Just admiring your… handiwork.”
Then he laughed a cold, evil chuckle.
Andrew shuddered.
It seemed like the Commander was hiding something…
Suddenly, Kelly yelped, making everyone jump.
“What was it?” Asked Andrew.
Kelly pointed a finger over to a corner where a children’s play area was situated.
“The playground moved!” She quivered.
“I swear, I saw it wobble.”
The commander muttered something about a girl drinking so much rum she was seeing things.
Guashino looked over to where Kelly was pointing.
“Hm? Oh, that would be Jay Jay.” He smiled.
He crouched down and began punching the ground to a specific rhythm.
Suddenly, the children’s playground began wobbling and moving. There was a loud CRACK and the entire playground was raised out of the ground. A giant tortoise’s head poked out from underneath it. The tortoise sleepily turned its head towards Guashino.
“Introducing Jay Jay.” He said. “Jay Jay is a ginormous type of tortoise that buries itself in the ground when it sleeps.
It sleeps in the day and goes to feed at night. He is completely deaf; but he can feel vibrations through the ground. So even while he is asleep, he knows exactly where something is a long as it is moving and connected to the ground.”
By now Jay Jay had tottered over to Guashino who gave him a pat.
“When he’s asleep, he’s like a dormant volcano, and we set up a little jungle gym for the kids on his shell. Hence his name, Jay Jay. He doesn’t even notice it’s there.”
Wanda spoke up.
“Umm… You do know that “Gym” is spelt G-Y-M and not J-Y-M.”
“Is it?” Said Guashino in surprise.
“Yes. So really his name should be Jay Gee.”
Guashino shrugged as if to say “I don’t care.”
Then he looked at the sky.
“Hm.” He muttered. Then he turned back to the newcomers.
“Right, everyone, its late. You can come up here and shelter with us. We’ve got a few spare rooms.”
Guashino climbed up the ladder, beckoning for everyone to follow him, which they did, reluctantly.
Guashino led Andrew and Kelly into their spare home.
The walls were made out of a fine coloured, solid wood, but there were also these giant bones seemingly holding everything together.
But the most noticeable thing was the carpet. It was damp, and was softer than you could have believed.
Kelly bent down and looked at it.
“Hey.” She said.
“This carpet is made of moss!”
Guashino smiled. “So what? Moss is nature’s carpet.”
Andrew smiled and went to his bed. It was small, but comfy and quite warm. Guashino blew out a candle as he walked out.
“Nighty night.” He said.
Andrew rolled over, shut his eyes and stayed still.
Then rolled over again. It was quite comfortable here. Except he was lying on his arm and it was getting numb. After repeating this for what seemed like hours, he finally fell asleep.
The next morning, Guashino burst into the room, kicking the door open with a bang.
His eyes were wild and panicked.
“What’s wrong?” Asked Andrew.
“The soldiers are gone, along with some of our weaponry!” He spluttered.
“They’re going to kill Taushenjoonga!”
Chapter 7
Guashino, Andrew, Wanda and Kelly set out to look for the soldiers, or find Taushenjoonga and protect him.
They walked for a while in silence.
Wanda was lingering at the back of the group picking as many of the native plants as possible.
About an hour passed.
Suddenly, Guashino yelped and ran over to something hidden in the undergrowth.
He was cradling a giant snake’s head in his hands.
It had been shot several times.
“Pollyanna.” Whispered Guashino.
The snake was breathing.
Taushenjoonga did not like the visitors. So far, all they did was shoot him, yell about blowing up his territory, and make several attempts to kill him and the other creatures in his territory. But these visitors were different.
The other visitors were wild, vicious and had no respect for life. But these ones seemed to be honestly concerned for the long, scaly one.
They offered it food. One even went down to a stream to get water.
He silently crept down from the branches.
Wanda was stroking the giant snake, trying to reassure it, when she yelled in fright.
Guashino and everyone else came running back.
“What’s wrong?” Gasped Andrew. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Taushenjoonga staring at him.
“Get down!” Yelped Guashino.
“No eye contact! No sudden movements!”
Taushenjoonga leaned closer to Kelly, sniffing her all over. Kelly’s face scrunched up when she smelt the giant predator’s terrible breath.
Andrew lunged forward to try and grab Kelly, and yank her away from Taushenjoonga.
The monster growled at him, and fixed him with a stare. Andrew stayed in his spot.
Kelly slowly lifted up her hand to Taushenjoonga‘s nose.
Andrew screamed internally as his daughter reached up and began patting the nose of the creature that had tried to kill them on more than one occasion.
Taushenjoonga leaned closer. He almost seemed to purr.
But Taushenjoonga was confused. Why did these visitors show submission, respect, and even affection to him if the others only wanted him dead?
Taushenjoonga‘s train of thought was shattered by a loud explosion.
He roared in fury as he leapt back up into the forest canopy and leapt from tree to tree toward the source of the sound.
“KELLY!!!” Raged Andrew.
Kelly looked at him with a stare.
Kelly reached up and poked her father on the nose.
Chapter 8
Guashino, Kelly, Wanda and Andrew hurried through the forest. Guashino had his bow drawn, and at every noise he snapped his head in the direction.
They came to the clearing. It was the same place where they had first met Guashino, and when Kelly barged Taushenjoonga off into the ravine. Taushenjoonga was growling ferociously at the commander, who was smiling quite smugly. His men were at a dynamite detonator.
He waited until Taushenjoonga was right at the edge of the ravine. “DETONATE!!” He bellowed. The edge of the ravine exploded, and Taushenjoonga was sent tumbling down into the ravine, only to be caught by the vines again. “FIRE!!!” Roared the commander again. All the soldiers began firing and shooting at Taushenjoonga, who roared furiously. Most bullets missed, while some found their mark and burrowed deep into Taushenjoonga‘s flesh. Poor Taushenjoonga bellowed in pain. The soldiers then lit several fuses of dynamite, and threw them down. They exploded mid air, snapping the vines that Taushenjoonga was holding onto. Taushenjoonga howled as he fell out of sight. There was so much smoke and dust nobody could see a thing.
When the dust and smoke finally cleared,
Taushenjoonga was gone.
It was a quick, clever and fearsome plot meant to kill.
Guashino drew his bow and began madly shooting at the soldiers, who opened fire with their guns.
For Andrew, the following events seemed to happen in slow motion. A soldier fired. The bullet flew out of the barrel of the gun, mercilessly flying straight towards…
A small boulder, missing Andrew by a good 2 meters. But then the bullet ricocheted straight off the rock, burrowing deep into Andrew left leg. Andrew yelled in agony and clutched his leg as it folded beneath him, sending him falling down onto the ground.
In his unbearable pain, he heard somebody shout, “Wheee! I hit somebody!”
Before he was dragged away by Guashino.
Andrew awoke back in one of the treehouses of Guashino’s village. He moaned as the pain of his leg being moved rippled through his body.
Guashino was standing over him.
He stuck three fingers in his face.
“How many fingers am I holding up?” He asked hurriedly.
“Um, four?” Replied Andrew, still delirious.
“Maths isn’t your strong suit, then.” Muttered Guashino.
He poked Andrew in the leg where he got shot.
Andrew yelped, but then stopped.
“Hey, wow, it doesn’t hurt that much.”
Guashino nodded.
“Mm. I rubbed some of our healing cream on it. Wanda also took out the bullet while you’re asleep.”
Andrew rubbed his head and tried to sit up.
“You’ll be alright. The bullet didn’t go in too deep.”
Just then, Kelly burst into the room. “Um, guys! We got company!”
Guashino swore in a native language and began to help Andrew up.
“Quickquickquick, we gotta GO, GO, GO!!” Shouted Wanda from outside.
Andrew eventually, with Guashino’s help, made it down the ladder and onto the ground.
They were just about to rush for freedom, but something cold and metal pressed against their head. It was a gun.
“Well, well, well.” Said The Commander.
“Fancy seeing you again.” He sneered as he ordered his men.
“Tie them up.” He barked. But before they could do that, a downpour of arrows flew from above. The villagers were fighting back! But the commander was quick to respond. He aimed his gun and fired at a rope bridge. The rope bridge collapsed, sending the people hurtling down onto the ground. Some clung onto the rope bridge, and some stayed where they were, but most ran off into the forest.
There were a series of short, sharp CRACKS and then several bodies slumped to the ground.
Kelly screamed and looked away.
“STAY STILL AND SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!!” Yelled the commander, not sure if he was yelling and them or the locals.
Guashino was not going to give up without a fight. While the commander was busy shooting his people, with his hands tied behind his back, he rubbed the ropes against his belt, feeling around for something. Finally, he found it. It was a sharp blade, made from a particularly vicious looking claw. He had forgotten exactly where the claw came from, possibly one of the giant eagles that flew around up in the mountains. He rubbed the rope against the blade, and eventually it was cut in half and dropped off. He struggled and kicked free of the soldiers holding him, and lunged over to the commander, who was now busy rounding up his village.
“LET THEM GO!!” He screamed as he crash-tackled the commander to the ground.
The commander landed on the ground with a pitiful yelp.
But before Guashino could do anything further, he was lifted up and put in a headlock by one of the soldiers.
Chapter 8
“So this is how it ends.” Growled the Commander, looking quite pleased with himself.
“When I get home, you won’t be with me.”
“You people.” He pointed at Guashino, Wanda, Andrew and Kelly.
“Dead. Didn’t survive. I tried everything I could to save you. But you died.”
He chuckled.
“Boo hoo hoo.” He added.
“You green idiots.” He pointed at the locals, who shuddered.
“Some new slaves!”
“Hang on.” Interrupted Wanda.
“The government won’t let you do that!”
The commander chuckled.
“The government won’t be there.” He smiled viciously as he explained his plan.
“Before we came here, I was already preparing for a large-scale coup. But then, this island thingo came into play. And I figured that on most islands, there are natives, so there might natives here as well! And because natives are always so primitive, I knew I could just take them in and they could be my slaves-“
The commander was interrupted by a soft croaking noise.
He wheeled around, to be face to face with a Bulbit.
“Croak.” Said the Bulbit.
“NO!” Yelled Guashino.
“Don’t hurt Emerald!”
The commander’s nose wrinkled in disgust.
“You name these repulsive things?” He growled.
Guashino opened his mouth but the commander yelled at him that it was a rhetorical question.
“What’s a rhetorical question?” Asked Guashino.
“You seriously don’t know what a rhetorical question is?”
“YES! That’s why i’m asking you!”
“SHUT UP! That was also a rhetorical question!”
Guashino rolled his eyes.
Suddenly, the commander felt something on his leg. He looked down.
The disgusting toad thing was rubbing his leg!
The commander yelped and shot Emerald point-blank in the head.
Then, the pond that she emerged from seemed to burst into life.
Bulbits poured out, frills and dorsal plates opened out wide, their monstrous teeth bared, hissing wildly.
They were not happy.
The commander screamed and began taking random shots at the bulbits.
Guashino’s eyes filled with tears as he watched them slump to the ground.
“GO, GO, GO!!!!” Yelled Andrew.
The commander looked over his shoulder.
“Don’t you idiots go anywhere-“
Then he screamed hideously. A bulbit had latched onto his leg! He shot it dead, but more and more kept coming, as Guashino, Kelly, Andrew and Wanda disappeared into the jungle. Eventually, they burst out onto the beach. To their surprise, there were helicopters and boats and soldiers.
A rescue team!
The group raced out onto the beach. The soldiers instantly trained their guns on them, but then lowered them when they saw who they were.
One soldier stepped forward.
“Have you seen Commander Hector?”
Wanda opened her mouth, but Guashino interrupted.
“You mean the crazy, insane, rude, racist, murdering cuckoo guy with the oversized moustache? Yes, I’ve seen him.”
He pointed to the jungle.
The soldier looked confused.
“Commander Hector is a murderer?”
Kelly jumped in.
“YES! He just took a native in to be his slaves, and he told us about how he was planning a coup!”
The soldier looked very shocked.
“He’s planning a coup?!”
Just then, the commander in question exploded out of the forest in a flurry of madness, anger, and swearing.
That’s when he noticed the baffled-looking soldiers.
“Oh…” He moaned.
The soldiers walked up to him and tied the commander’s hands behind his back.
That was when the sand seemed to move.
“What was that?!” Spat Kelly.
Andrew spun around.
“What was what?”
“What’s ‘That!’?”
“The ground moved!”
Suddenly, a giant creature erupted from the sand. It was a scaly green monster, with a brightly coloured face a bit like a mandril. It was quadrupedal, with its front arms and hands much bigger that its legs, a bit like a gorilla, and had its razor-sharp teeth bared in rage. Its behaviour and appearance slightly resembled that of a very angry gorilla, but there was no mistaking this creature for an ape. Just on all fours, it was about 7 meters tall, and it had mid-green scales, and a sharp horn on its head, which it seemed to be using as a machete and a battering ram.
“Taushenjoonga?” Said Guashino in amazement.
Taushenjoonga roared in fury and made a beeline for the commander. The commander squeaked as the giant creature roared with such force it knocked him over. But instead of eating him, Taushenjoonga lined up his fist with precession at the commander. When he was sure he had gotten it right, a finger burst out of the fist, sending the commander flying.
In other words, a giant, scaly green monster had just flicked his arch nemesis into the ocean. The commander landed around 400 meters away with a quiet “plip!”
Then he floated to the surface, coughing and yelling and screaming.
Then the sea monster that had destroyed the boat and left them stranded in the first place came and swallowed him.
Everybody stared in silence for a while, except Taushenjoonga, who burst into a sires of short barks and roars, like he was laughing.
Finally he stopped, looked around, and realised how many helicopters there were.
He roared and lunged at one, bashing it against the ground. It exploded in a ball of fire. Kelly jumped into a nearby helicopter with her father. Taushenjoonga continued rampaging around. Finally, the helicopters lifted off and flew into the sky.
Taushenjoonga bellowed a roar of victory, and then retreated back into the tunnel he came out of.
Andrew smiled. Then he laughed.
“We’re going home!”
This sentence was soon declared false by the giant sea monster that had just devoured the commander leapt clean out of the water. Its fearsome jaws crushed the tail of Andrew and Kelly’s helicopter, narrowly missing them.
The helicopter immediately stopped flying and splashed into the ocean. Luckily, it wasn’t that high above the ocean, but it was still high enough to shatter.
Kelly floated to the surface of the waves. She looked around desperately for her father, and then saw. He was lying with his back underwater, but he was breathing.
She swam over to him.
“Dad!” She said the word like a prayer.
“Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad!”
Slowly, Andrew opened his eyes.
“Who’s dad?” He asked.
Chapter 9
Kelly looked at him incredulously.
“You’re dad! Andrew Ospengance!”
Andrew nodded slowly.
“Uh huh. Who…who are you?” Kelly looked at him, confused.
Then, a piece of helicopter fell on top of her.
Kelly woke up. She was on the beach, and Guashino was leaning over her.
She sat up with a jolt. She stood up and ran over to the shoreline, just in time to see the helicopters disappear over the horizon.
“Dad…” She whispered.
“Don’t worry.” Said Guashino.
“Your father just has a bit of amnesia. He was picked up by the helicopters.”
Kelly looked at him.
“How do you know?”
Guashino sighed.
“I swam out to rescue you. Last time I checked, they were telling eachother that you were dead.”
Chapter 10
The past faded back into the present as Andrew sat crumpled in his chair, his chest heaving as he took his daughter’s story in.
“A few months later…”Said Kelly’s voice,
“I recorded this story onto an old audio tape I found, discarded by the commander’s expedition.
I stuck it in a container and sealed it as best as I could, and pushed it out to sea.”
Andrew rubbed his temples where a headache had just blossomed.
“It’s not actually that bad here. It’s quite fun. Me and Guashino have helped the local people rebuild after the disaster of cuckoo commander.”
Andrew sighed.
“And now I have to go, Guashino’s calling me.
I hope we meet again.
Love, your stranded daughter.
The computer beeped as the recording finished.
And suddenly, Andrew could remember everything.
Chapter 10
“Mmmmm.” Said Andrew appreciatively.
“This cake is delicious.”
Andrew, Wanda, Johnathon Meddle and a few other people were gathered around a table eating a cake.
On the cake it said: Bon Voyage.
“So, where you planning to go, Andy?” Asked Wanda cheerfully.
Andrew swallowed his cake.
“Hmmm. I’m not sure yet.”
“I remember when I went to Hawaii for a week. It was perfect. Lovely weather. You want to go there?”
Andrew smiled and shook his head.
“No. Not in the pacific…”
He looked up and smiled.
“How about a certain group of islands in the north Atlantic?”
The End.
(∩🌔 ͜ʖ🌔)⊃━☆゚.*