Even though it seemed hopeless, Breeze felt like there was more to this place than met the eye. She took herself off on a walk, going nowhere in particular. The wind blowing in her hair, she sauntered through the clusters of pine trees.
“Still here?” she heard Gust’s voice behind her.
“Yes,” she said confidently, turning to face him. “I’m… not giving up.” Breeze surprised herself with this answer. She was usually a quitter, and pretty impatient. But she wanted to belong with someone, and it was that which motivated her to keep going.
“Ugh,” Gust moaned. “If you’re really that determined to snoop around here, follow me.” Breeze smiled. Finally, she wasn’t being brushed aside. Gust led her along a twisting path, knowing every bush, tree, and stone. At last, they reached a maze of dark, rocky caves. “In here,” Gust told her, passing her a flaming torch. “It’s safe.” Breeze was sceptical. Could she really trust him? I’ve risked so much already, she thought. I guess I’ve got nothing to lose now. Lyre cooed anxiously at Breeze’s ear. Breeze stroked her.
“It’s okay.” she whispered. They entered cautiously. Breeze looked around her. Towering, dark cave walls loomed high above ...
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